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Everything posted by PooperScooper

  1. I thought that using the list position in the loop would make it change, but apparently I was wrong, heh. Oh well. Works perfectly now though. Thanks so much Jim!
  2. Thanks Jim. That's actually what I've been trying, but no luck so far. The loop in the image below returns the same result over and over, or if delete duplicate is checked just 1 result, obviously. I've tried passing the clean item to a variable first and then adding that to a list as well, but that gives me the same result. Not sure where I'm going wrong here.
  3. Thanks Jim, that works! Can't seem to get it to work with a list because I'm an idiot. ??? I don't suppose you'd be willing to post an example of how I could do that? Sorry for my incompetence!
  4. Honestly, my script has become so mixed up at this point from all the failed attempts I've tried. I'll have to start from scratch once I get this figured out, lol. But yea, that's what I'm trying to do. Tried your library, but I must be doing something wrong because nothing gets replaced. In my attached image nothing but the original #test content gets saved.
  5. I'm trying to clean up a scraped list with the replace command, but I can't seem to get it to work. I've tried a few different ways, but nothing works. Does replace only work when trying to change a page's attributes or something? I notice that that seems to be the only way to access the replace stuff. Is there an easier way to change aspects of items inside of a list?
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