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Everything posted by slash30

  1. Easy enough, I never saw the actual the website name. When I saw the announcement of "I’ve integrated Image to Text as an alternative captcha reader. " I thought that was a pretty advanced upgrade but then I found the log in parameters and realized it was a service.
  2. To test I guess you could have the bot navigate to like whatismyipaddress.com. That was you can check the address and location too.
  3. Oh and HAPPY NEW YEAR!
  4. It's pretty much the same technique. I scripted one real quick and attached it. I had it stop before clicking the last button to create the account. I don't worry about the check availability too much. I usually just use like the first or last name and add the birthday and year or zipcode added to it. That's enough numbers to be original most of the time. But the bot I've attached does click the check availability then closes it by clicking the X. And of course there is the account name that ubot creates. Anyway this should be enough to get you going. The training videos are really good a
  5. Yeah I was having a problem with the captcha so I was entering it by hand. Actually now that you mention it. How does the ITT work? I noticed the variables for acct info but not sure who provides the service or where to get an acct.
  6. Hahaha I'm so tired I typed in the entire captcha before I realized what it said. Almost missed the screenshot.
  7. I know it's late/early but wow. Reddit is getting it's freak on!
  8. Was it $nothing or $newline? I can't remember. If $nothing doesn't work try the other.
  9. Here's a real quick vid that shows the basic steps and fills in the two fields. It moves quick so pause it if you need to. http://www.screencast.com/t/ZjdmNzkxMTMt
  10. You need to use the create account function first. Then choose the field by attribute and insert the data using the change chosen attribute and insert the account variable. Hope that helps.
  11. I imagine if I really wanted to hide it I would just link cloak everything. But it's actually more to just give status updates and maybe some show stuff that's better looking than the bot surfing pages.
  12. That should still work to only gather the organic results. The ads use "<A id=an1". Also I just use $scrape instead of $scrape attrib. Not sure if that's any faster.
  13. Hmm that does give me some ideas though thanks. Maybe I can use that combined with the ulibs somehow.
  14. Haha nice! I was the same way when I found out that the insert key actually inserts a line. lol. It truly is the little things that matter in life. Now if I could just get the wife to believe that.
  15. One additional issue with this. Can I use wild cards in the evaluate function some how? Basically in my list of 10 URLs scraped from G. There can be slight variations in the ref url. Like http://example.com/ and http://example.com (without the trailing "/"), or even a leading www. could throw it off. Not to mention if the url sometimes contains the pagename as well. So I really just want to check for "#url like example.com" or use *example.com*.
  16. Wow I didn't expect a reply that fast! This is a great community. Thanks man, that's perfect. It does just what I needed and I can see where I messed up. I was complicating things too much and the use of "stop script", I didn't think of. Thanks again.
  17. Ok... so I have a list of 10 URLs. I want to parse through the list 10 URLs looking for example.com and when it finds it I want to return its position in the list. Rather than post my failures a few ideas on how you would do this would be great. I've tried the while loop but if it gets to the end of the list before it finds the url it causes and error since there are no more entries in the list. I've also tried a loop with using evaluate but I'm screwing it up somehow. I know this should be simple but I'm missing a step somewhere. TJ
  18. Everyone is very excited about the private proxy support. But what good private proxy services you use or recommend? And have you tested that they work with Ubot yet? Thanks, TJ
  19. Merry Christmas!! I have to hurry before they find me in here!
  20. Nice concept and thanks for the share. I've been putting delays in but that slows things down sooo much it gets really irritating. This is a much better way to do it. TJ
  21. Agreed. I've been avoiding doing this until I figured out a good way to do it. Great info.
  22. Ok. So maybe this really isn't a "Pro Tip" per se and it may mentioned somewhere but... the "Insert Key" inserts a new line! This is especially useful on my laptop. I know... I know... It's not really a "pro tip." But I'm a keyboard kind of guy and anything I can do with my other hand while leaving one hand on the mouse- I'm game! Umm, wait that doesn't sound quite right. Anyway, insert key = new line. More keyboard shortcuts! GO! TJ
  23. That's awesome man thanks! It's the easy stuff you don't think of that always cool to see. (I'm but a simple caveman, your modern ways befuddle me. ) I've been using google.com -> search on keyword -> click show options -> click blogs. This gives you a list of blogs that google thinks your keyword is related to. I figured if google thinks they are related, that may help when I backlink to them too. No proof of that though. That's a lot of links either way.
  24. Hi Steve, I wouldn't say they are no good anymore- they are only about $5 and there's bound to be some sites that don't close their registration and are still working. But... even Angela states in her packs that people misusing them by spamming links and that the sites are closing new registrations until they figure out how to fix it. I've noticed this myself when going through one of the packs. The good thing is that the packs at $5 are very affordable which allows them to be available to many. The bad thing is that the packs are very affordable and available to too many. IMO. Plus it's
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