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Everything posted by ChineseSavior

  1. yea those same tards are trying to use method of bitcoin as stored value...... If that's your concern simply instant-cashout upon receiving the coin. The odds of coin value crashing in the 5 minutes it takes to send and cashout to fiat is essentially impossible. So back to the accounts. Does anyone want to work w broke non-violent convicted felon who bought ubot for this purpose and is now dead in the water with what i wanted to do... did i waste my times learning ubot? Did I waste my familys hard earned $$ buying ubot if i can't really do gmail? p.s.s again its a miricale those acct guy
  2. well this guy only takes gaypal i offered business arrangement or bitcoin. i explained i am non-violent felon victim and i do not have fiat. It's a miricalethese guys taking gaypal have not been reversed on. also part of my thing was that i bought ubot to hopefully avoid having to pay someone when i want accounts. Is it just easier to buy them. I do not understand why people only take gaypal i have heard of countless scam reversals. I'm shocked nobody has scammed them.
  3. update *** well all of these guys take paypal and the one indian guy i did get in touch w had no idea about bitcoin then told me he was "running to the office" then never heard back from him..... I texted skyped him again and asked if he was injured in accident / had baby / family injured and no reply... So either one of the above happened or im sol on that end. I even asked them why they only take gaypal (since everyone reverses and scams) and how they have never been scammed. All he said was that if you are satisfied why would they reverse...... Hello! because they are scammer.... s
  4. i am not ableto pay anyone who takes gaypal as i am victim. i feel like buying is best option. do you know anyone who has fully developed and link profiles in bulk for sale? i feels as though if you can purchase bulk well established accts linked across many social sites then its much easier to build simple clear cookie load ip login + do simple task bots then creation bots..
  5. hopefully someone replies. Gmail is like so hard to make accounts with as far as I can tell. I'm no expert but it appears like there are so many factors in there algorithm that they basically know if you're human or not. Some of my bot-made accts will make it for a few days maybe longer but eventially they get banned. On top of that you have to build out the profiles A LOT to satisfy google. imo google accts are nothing but a power play. Obv you have giant casinos in vegas that barely have 3-600 google reviews. If you are able to manipulate this with say 5000 well made gmail accounts well I
  6. hello, im sure that this has been answered a million times. I need a very solid gmail account creator bot. I need the bot to save all usernames and passwords. Also hyperthread would be a plus as I would really loves 1000s I have proxies too. Something that let me insert a proxy file and create set number profiels based off the number of proxies inserted. That way I can lign up proxies with the matching profiles. Lastly I need it to somehow let me manually enter the number when it pauses. I have noticed gmal banning my accounts instantly. I need a way to build out the profile or
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