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Everything posted by jewjitsu012

  1. Shouldn't be too difficult, there are tons of free bots out there, I'm pretty much using all of them -? Python? https://github.com/sealemar/BingRewards Webbased bing-pong.com pogo-cheats C## https://newagesoldier.com/bing-rewards-bot/ Don't know http://thebingr.blogspot.com/p/downloads.html This one is probably the best one out there that I've used, but it just takes too damn long, too many pauses, takes 2 hours just to run 1 account, if someone can mimmick this one and just run it without so many pauses, this is definitely what I want? Roguebot https://www.dropbox.com/s/lj27yhqu6u
  2. I need to stop them from doing a POSTback of all the browser tracking data. Firefox has some extensions that will do that. If you can do that in the bot and can build one I will buy it. I don't have the time to learn something simple such as ubot, I'm sure python would take even more work than that. Thanks.
  3. Hello - Need a bot that will basically do the following: Open different Firefox Profiles Log in and Run Random Bing Searches from a text file Scrape the bing points and extract to csv That's the meat of it, other small things like gui, easy way to see/input user names passwords to go with which firefox profiles etc. Thanks.
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