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Everything posted by 100million

  1. Wow, it's simple and it works! How did you arrive at this solution, JohnB?
  2. Thanks, BotBuddy. Do show us how you arrive at your solution as well so we don't have to keep asking you. =)
  3. I was trying to do a research bot, but was stucked at step #1. But what I'm getting from the output are a heap of trash covering the info I want. Either I'm choosing the wrong stuff or I've scrapped the wrong thing... Has anyone done this before? Spent lots of time trying to figure this out but failed. Thus any help is greatly appreciated. (have attached my broken bot here) ScrapeGoogleSearch.ubot
  4. I was at http://www.yello.com.sg, trying to automate posting of an advert. I can make UBot choose the category, but no matter what I try the next set of options just wouldn't appear. (have tried things like Click Chosen & Send Keys... to no avail) The portion of the source code is below. Anyone knows how to do it? Any help is really appreciated. (No idea why I keep having problems with dropdown boxes) _____________________________________________ <td valign="top"> <strong>Category step : 1 </strong> <select name="maincat" size="10"
  5. Works like a charm, Gogetta. But even after reading, I still don't understand the difference b/w "send keys file chosen" & "send keys field chosen". Anybody can enlighten me? =) From the glossary: send keys file chosen: This command is used specifically for filling text into file input fields, as a means of getting around the lack of direct access to them. This command will not steal focus, and runs entirely in the background. To simulate typing on elements other than file fields, use send keys chosen field. This command no longer works if you have internet explorer 8 installed.
  6. Help...help! How do I run this Javascript in order to get the webpage to respond? I somehow need to get the "jumpmenu" function to work so that onchange="jumpmenu('parent',this)" can get the next drop-down box to appear. Any help is appreciated. Source code is as below: ______________________________________________________________ function jumpmenu(target,obj,restore){ eval(target+".location='"+obj.options[obj.selectedIndex].value+"'"); obj.options[obj.selectedIndex].innerHTML="Please Wait ..."; } //--> </script> <select class='adsmanager_requi
  7. Is there really no way around this? ...otherwise what is UBot good for, since these types of buttons are so common.
  8. There's this image button on Gumtree that refuses to be chosen & clicked. Here's the URL: http://singapore.gumtree.sg/c-PostAd?CatId=36&EventEndDay=10&EventEndHour=23&EventEndMinute=59&EventEndMonth=11&EventEndSecond=3&EventEndYear=2010&EventStartDay=10&EventStartHour=0&EventStartMinute=0&EventStartMonth=11&EventStartSecond=3&EventStartYear=2010&SelectedLeafCat=SelectedLeafCat# I'm referring to the "Select Images" button that's green in color. Anyone knows how to fix this?
  9. Yes...this is all considered one item.
  10. To change iFrame, I've found this page helpful: http://www.ubotblog.com/ubot-studio-the-change-iframe-body-command/ But the formatting of my text is gone... ...anybody knows how to space out the text to the next line? For example, my original text is (fills 3 lines): "The quick brown fox Jumps over the lazy dog.." But after using the change iFrame command, I'll get this (only 1 line): "The quick brown fox Jumps over the lazy dog.." Anybody knows how to deal with this?
  11. I'd want to copy a whole block of nodes...is there a way to do this?
  12. This is cool. Thanks, JohnB, I'll try this.
  13. I realized halfway that I've grouped my scripts wrongly. Thus I'll need to move 2 tabs over from one .ubot file to another .ubot file. Is there a way to do this?
  14. Anyone knows how to fill info into a textbox with rich text (not tinyMCE) features? Here's the source code if it helps: <div class="first-field" > <div formfield="label" class="first-label "><span id="lblDescription" class="required">Description</span></div> <div class="first-input"> <a name="Description"></a> <div class="input-div"> <textarea name="Description" id="hdnDescription" wrap="soft" cols="65" maxlength="100000" style="width:500; height:240;font-family:arial
  15. Thanks, LillyT. Does that mean the scripts from every Tab will be executed once I use "botname.exe /auto"? ...or will the script from the 1st tab be executed only?
  16. I've got the scripts ready in a few tabs. But after compiling (and running the .exe file), the scripts doesn't run by themselves. How do I make them run the moment I open the file?
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