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Everything posted by some_guy

  1. some_guy

    [library] Strings

    Ok, have attached a bot that contains a sub that returns true or false (1 or 0) if a string (the haystack) contains another string (needle). Have included the run sub call and an alert to display what the sub returns true or false. Should be straight forward to modify it to work it into your bot, if you're having trouble though, just gimme a shout. contains_bot.ubot
  2. I would say you are doing something wrong. When you right click and choose select by attribute do you have the right element selected at the top of the context? Grab the name / id variable. If is a text area, then it will have a name (I think) as this is used in the post method of grabbing it's contents so it will not change.
  3. some_guy

    [library] Strings

    iglow, I will try and knock something up for you tonight. Got some bots I need to get finished as they have been dragging for 2 weeks now and I keep getting distracted by tangents (like captchas). If I don't post anything, please send me a PM reminding me as I tend to forget
  4. 822k, not huge and probably not an issue for powerful machines. Just sometimes if I refresh I have to wait a minute, and there a couple of times a night ubot grabs 250mb+ of memory my machines wrrrrrrrrrrrrs for a while, I go back a cup of tea then about 3mins later it is back down to 50mb. Probably close to 25 scripts each with a 2-3 subs in. Will try splitting it into 2-3 ubot files and see how that goes and report back.
  5. some_guy

    [library] Strings

    No worries, any additional information on what was causing your issue?
  6. Am hoping if someone can save me having to test this out. Can I run more than one bot at the same time through different proxies, guess I am asking if proxy connection is local to that bot, or global to your Internet Explorer components or something in the middle?
  7. read file to list set #str = { loop listotal set #item to nextListItem set #str = #str| after loop use javascript (lib_string) to return a substring of #str (0, length -1), so you remove the last | set #str = #str}
  8. You can call RUN SCRIPT as a flow node. However, I would recommend to use subs / run sub. Can't quite remember why, but I was using scripts / run script and hit an issue which was solved by using subs (i think it was todo with returning a value or something.
  9. Thanks for quick replies, seems like I should have read the rest of the page Glad to see there is the $5 a month option. Will I be able to not update for say 6 months, then pay $5 and get the previous 6 months updates? Also with regards to That is this place? But then what is ubotunderground which was / is meant to be a private forum which there was an offer of 6months / 3months free access when it launches.
  10. my current bot is starting to get pretty big, was wondering how you guys go about laying out a big bot. I have it as one bot split into many different scripts, with related subs in the script. Am beginning to think perhaps it would be best to have each script as it's own sub and use an include to bring them all together. That way when in ubot not so much would be in memory at one time (am on a 3year old+ laptop that grinds to a halt sometimes. Any advice appreciated.
  11. Thanks for implementing the new feature. Not wanting to sound greedy, but would it be possible to set a variable that we can check to see if the timeout was met. Wait finish (30) if the time out was hit, then i want to kill the bot, or reloop the sub, not carry on. Or is this possble without using searchpage?
  12. just noticed on the home page for ubot, Has that always been the case? I thought it was 3 years, this is going on my memory from a thread in WickedFire I cannot be bothered to look up, so i could be wrong (usually that case ) What happens after that year? What happens if update to a version that turned out to be buggy before the year ends are we stuck with that version? I can understand you cannot go on supporting a product for ever and a version 2 will have to come out or whatever, but a year seems like a quite a short time scale.
  13. Used to do the same about 10 years ago, when porn sites would open up a million windows each firing up a million windows thus crashing my computer and meaning no boobies
  14. some_guy

    [library] Strings

    Don't know why, but the issue is todo with the fact you are passing in straight text and not variables. At a guess I would say it is how uBot stores strings as variables and how it deals with text. Anyway, set 'abcdef' as a variable and set 'e' as a variable and it will work. For testing, right clicking a and selecting run node, you can then right click any variable and select insert string, to see what that variable currently has been set to. Make sure you cancel out the window, otherwise you will replace the variable with a string.
  15. Ok, so after some more using today, Deathbycaptcha isn't always so accurate or quick, especially if using a complex catcha (gmail for example). So have built into the dbc.exe app the abilty to report a catpcha as incorrect and have added a sub into the .ubot. All you need to do is call the report sub and pass in the same full path to the captcha image that you passed in when calling the solve sub. This will cause a shell command to run the app to report the code returned as incorrect and to get your money back. For those who care how this happens, what happens now is when a captcha
  16. reuploaded the dbc.zip as the exe had some delays in that weren't necessary if captcha was solved. Also modified the .ubot file so you only have to pass in the full path to the saved image. You do NOT have to pass in the folder path anymore
  17. Response time when testing the dbc.exe app is about 5 seconds, calling the app from ubot as shell command it seems to take longer, but still only about 10 seconds. I have no experience with any other captcha services but the success rate was about 3/4. I did notice all captchas seemed to come back capitlized, don't know if that is an issue for some captchas or not.
  18. Was on the computer from 8pm to 1am. Few beers, forum browsing probably slowed me down. Actual time on it probably around the 4 hours mark.
  19. Yes I did read it and saw you say you would get on it shortly but you were busy with work at the time. I can only speak for myself here, but I have said things similar and two weeks later still haven't got round to it. My wife was out last night so I had a decent amount of time to work at something and thought would have a go at this. Seeing as everyone has been saying there has been issues with decaptcha / ITT and that Seth posted a blog about how you can now run in a sub window that lots of captcha-breaker sites can be used, then new captcha breakers would be available to "ubotters" though
  20. good night all, hope to get the sub working with just the one param tomorrow and get the run as sub window as well. any questions then just fire away. feel free to take the code, modify, improve and all that, but in the spirit of sharing, please upload your new ubot files based upon this for others.
  21. So to follow on from my mega Google Scraper bot, here we have a death by captcha (http://www.deathbycaptcha.com) solver bot. Again, probably rushed and released too early, but... Attached files 1) the ubot file, takes two parameters, the image file you want to solve and the path to the folder that contains the image. (having to pass the folder in is laziness on my part as couldn't be bothered working it out in the bot so eg. param1) c:\captchatosolve\captcha341.jpg param2) c:\captchatosolve\ NB trailing slash important. Make sure you use unique values for the captcha filename when saving
  22. Many thanks, using send keys then send keys field chosen then send keys chosen seems to work
  23. I'll stick my 2pennies in... Should uBot be $50 and beta? Quite simply no. The software is pretty stable and capable. It is a business so there must be a profit margin to keep the guys working at it. Otherwise they would just sack it off before it can reach it's full potential. Is Ubot good enough for a proper release and $200 tag? Yes, I think so. Otherwise it would never be released Should there be more documentation? Yes. Are there bugs? Yes, as with all software there are, will be bugs. Are the error messages cryptic and rubbish? Yes, but the program must be obfuscated otherwise
  24. English signup http://captchabot.com/en/register.html Invites: 21850b5a 90d1e3aa b5d44d67
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