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Everything posted by aljw

  1. Just wondering if anyone knows this (or could guide me). A product released recently that is a type of scraper, puts an overlay on sites, and personally I disagree with the product. Obviously everyone can do what they want, but stealing content is NOT ok. So I'm wondering, if by chance, is there a way to create a "reverse scraper" or BLOCK the scraper in essence, from a site, or from being able to scrape and post the content (illegally - without copyright permission).
  2. aljw

    Newbie question

    Sorry this is a newbie question - I just bought the developer edition a couple of days ago, and am going through the training videos. One thing I noticed... there's no "delete". i.e., if you enter a url in navigate, once you say "ok" you can't delete the url. If you decide you don't want a function... there's no "delete". Now - obviously I know you can go into the code view and delete from there... but just checking - is that the only way? I'm just thinking as time goes and I get further and further in... if I need/choose to delete something, do I have to do it through code view? T
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