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Everything posted by bman46

  1. I think I figured this out by replacing the number with the variable with Trim.
  2. also the number is always different, i tried trim but if i add that above string as the trim, it always ends up putting 3,598 as the variable
  3. Good day all. I've been trying to scrape a variable and it comes in pretty dirty due to the code on the site The scrape ends up looking like this ------------------------------ #IMPRESSIONS: 3,598 Impressions ----------------------------- So as you can see there is a lot of weird spacing around the number i need. I do a replace to get rid of the impressions, that works fine. Getting rid of the spaces/breaks is causing grief. You can copy the
  4. For the life of me I cant get this sucker to work on a compiled bot. Anyone else having issues?
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