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Aaron Nimocks

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Everything posted by Aaron Nimocks

  1. It is on my list to do still. Hopefully in January I will have time to make a php page that can do a ton of backend functions. Should really start a list of useful stuff to do.
  2. I haven't had to use send chosen keys at all yet. Not really even sure if this is possible but I have a dialog box that pops up and I want to click or ok on it. Just hitting enter would work. Can I do this?
  3. Don't think that is possible to only SCRAPE the data based on what you said. It is possible not to OUTPUT the data in the CSV based on your requirement.
  4. Have tried the same way as $_POST? Depends on how they code it but it could still work just entering the values in the URL.
  5. All the answers are pretty much yes. Basically if you can do it within a browser window then UBot can do it. Also you can read and write files. You can make variables and lists (lists is like an array for you programmer types). You can run logic and math functions. You can include javascript so if you know that language you can really do a ton. The answer to #2 is yes. As a programmer also you can make your own PHP pages that do any functions that you want and you can take UBot to an extremely high level. Check out some videos to get a basic feel of it if you havent already. http:/
  6. Id try show('copy') or show(copy) no semicolon needed
  7. Here's a bot that I did for a job and then got permission to give it away for free. Basically it will post the same article or spun article on a list of WP blogs. Great for people that run a large blog network. Automated Blog Posting
  8. Damn, could of answered that question a few days ago if I knew you were just looking for the $return function.
  9. Set abc=123 If -> Evaluate (abc=123) then
  10. Anyway to share the code or exactly what you are trying to do? Hard to visualize.
  11. Into it's own variable or into a list? If your talking about a CSV with 100 items and making 100 variables there is an easier way to do it.
  12. Yup. Basically browse to your website anyway you want. Best is probably your website.com/index.php$username=$inputedusername&password=&inputedpassword Then it will return some text on the screen. If the bot finds the text then it runs. If not it stops. Can also track IP's on who is using it this way to catch people sharing it.
  13. I havent found a reason to use return yet. So havent tested it.
  14. Works again. Glad to know I wasn't going crazy. Thanks for your great support!
  15. I cant seem to save images anymore. Worked fine about a week ago. Getting same error as you are. I think it may have to do with a previous update unless someone can get it to work to prove me wrong.
  16. Private proxies work all the time and have a greater potential of your IP not being able to be tracked. Free proxies dont really work to often and your IP can be tracked.
  17. Yes it is possible and you found the right way to do it. You can also use $documentroot to go straight to My Documents. This is very handy if you plan on sharing the script.
  18. I dont see the picture attached. Is the button a regular submit button or a graphic that redirects using javascript? Really dont use CL too much. Also a link to the page if possible would be handy.
  19. It took me a couple of days to find that one too. Found it by accident.
  20. Actually here it is.. http://ubotstudio.com/forum/index.php?/topic/2205-library-strings/
  21. Got to ask Jim to do it I guess. http://ubotstudio.com/oldforum/index.php?topic=371.0 shows the attachments are gone
  22. Dont think you can without using Jim's library which I believe was deleted in the new forum change. Would have to browse the old forum for it.
  23. Beat me to it Was going to throw something together real quick but it would be the same way Crazyflx did it. But yes UBot is way better than imarcros in terms of functionality.
  24. If I ever get time (which could be awhile) I might throw together a PHP page and upload it to share. But a page with a bunch of functions on it would rock. Triming Removing items from lists based off a keyword Change uppercase/lowercase Reversing list order Probably a ton of things I could do that could be useful.
  25. Only way I can think to do this is browse to a text box anywhere. For instance go to google. Fill in the search box with your variable. Then do an If -> Search Page = $variable then set your variable. Make since?
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