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Aaron Nimocks

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Posts posted by Aaron Nimocks

  1. Attached is how I would do it.


    Basically choose the element by outer HTML and select *agreed=true*


    That will give you the first link in it that agrees to the terms. Since this is the HTML the language doesnt matter and should click any of them. Just use the wildcards on either side like I did.


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  2. Yup, that should be the way, but it seems there is no common attribute to scrape the email password inside some sites email.. anyway, it will depends on those emails send by the sites.


    Theres got to be something. If you forward me the email I will see what I can do to scrape it.


    PM me for my email address if you want to do that.

  3. You just need to think how you would do it without UBot Studio and then figure out how to do it with.


    So normally you would need to go to your email, find the email it sends you with the password and then read it.


    So you would need to do it the same way with UBot. Login into your email, find the email, scrape the password.

  4. I would make sure your {1} is actually outputting the right thing.


    Just put a UI Status of that variable so you can see what the output is.


    Biggest issue I always had is if the variable didnt have a value it wouldnt save. If the filename had any of the characters that arent allowed \ / : * ? " < > | it wouldnt save.

  5. I cant follow exactly what you want to do.


    But it sounds like you want to separate stuff and to make sure it is saved. The way to do that is to create separate lists as you are going through and then save them.

  6. So why did you use the $Scrape Chosen Attribute command on the body content, and is it necessary for grabbing content from the page I PM'd you about?


    Thanks again,



    I only use scrape chosen attribute when I dont want HTML or anything else in my results. If you use Scrape Chosen Attribute and you select inner text then you just get the text.


    I didn't understand what you wanted from the PM. That is a simple website with like 10 pages. You could of scraped all that manually and been done with it already. A bigger explanation on what you are trying to do would help.

  7. Sure, just need to know what to search for.


    If a checkbox is checked then just search for the HTML that will show it is checked.


    A little shortcut is to right click on the checkbox you want to check for, then go to qualifiers -> search page and it will only show you the HTML for that checkbox. Then just select what is unique about and there you go.

  8. I never tried it but personally I would just take all that script code for Google and put it in the current script as a sub. Then just run the sub.


    Ive never used multiple scripts before so not really sure if you can do it with a variable.


    Easy way is just to keep everything on the same script.

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