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Everything posted by gabel

  1. still trying to replicate this , i don't get this almost at all. will let you know as soon as i have an update.
  2. Hey Duane, i`m using it daily and haven't had any problems. I`ll ask a few other customers to see if any of them experience this and will look into it.
  3. check out this thread http://ubotstudio.com/forum/index.php?/topic/7731-getting-errors-posting/page__pid__52857#entry52857
  4. v4 doesn't support sockets , that's available only in v3
  5. i have no problems with captchas on those sites , just tested on a few. try using a proxy and see if that helps , recaptcha acts weird sometimes
  6. if/then/else/else if and loop while are perfect and more then enough for this. like a2mateit said there are errors specific to each site so impossible to add them , that's why if/else/else if and loop while are exactly what you need.
  7. scrape the page and add the proxies to a list
  8. the bot is not for sale at the moment , might sell the source code for a decent offer. if interested drop me a PM or add me on skype ( gfxs3tup )
  9. you could use the if exists command . search for something that appears only when they have the job title and add that to the list else add an blank line.
  10. this should do it add item to list(%position, $find regular expression($scrape attribute(<innerhtml=w"<a onmouseover=\"HidePopUps();Badge*</span>">, "innerhtml"), "(?<=\\<\\/a\\>\\,).*(?=\\,)"), "Delete", "Global")
  11. i`ve did some small changes on the code and you can see it working here http://www.screencast.com/t/fX8pGhqhiD3 manta.ubot
  12. seems it's something wrong when pasting the code here. i`ve attached the .ubot file . let me know how it goes manta.ubot
  13. add item to list(%names, $replace($find regular expression($scrape attribute(<innerhtml=w"<a onmouseover=\"HidePopUps();Badge*</span>">, "innerhtml"), "(?<=\\\"HidePopUps\\(100\\);\\\"\\>).*(?=\\, )"), "</a>,", " - "), "Delete", "Global")
  14. this would do it add item to list(%names, $find regular expression($scrape attribute(<innerhtml=w"<a onmouseover=\"HidePopUps();Badge*</span>">, "innerhtml"), "(?<=\\\"HidePopUps\\(100\\);\\\"\\>).*(?=\\<\\/a\\>)"), "Delete", "Global")
  15. hey , sorry i was off for the weekend . replied to your PM.
  16. well there's not a problem with registering or doing anything on twitter(works perfectly), i`ll keep it off from sale till the waters calm down.
  17. it's not on sale anymore at the moment . thanks
  18. you have to do that manually unfortunately , i went trough that
  19. depending how they are made , but usually they are separated
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