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Everything posted by HiddenChampion

  1. This is what I am trying to do: I have 3 files: file1.cvs, file2.cvs and file3.cvs. I want to choose from ubot which one to open with a variable. I tried it with text box and list box but it didn't work. I wanted it this way: If I type 2 into the text box then it should open the file2.cvs My variable looked like this: file{1}.cvs ({1} being my text box info) What did I do wrong?
  2. There is also another way. This method worked for me on one platform but didn't on another one. But I found another way around. The other platform had this: href="javascript:Drupal.ckeditorToggle('edit-field-about-me-0-value','Switch to plain text editor','Switch to rich text editor',1);" Just choose this attribute and click chosen. This clicks that source button for you and you will be able to use the plain editor. This only works if such a tag is available.
  3. I know it's been a week but I was very busy. I've just checked this and it's working. Thanks a lot.
  4. I am out of town but I can test it today night/tomorrow. I will let you know if it works Thanks
  5. I found some websites where you cannot click the submit button only if you manually press a key on your keyboard. It simply doesn't work if ubot fills out the form for you. I think you can press buttons with javascript but after a search I haven't found a working javascript that presses a space bar or any other key. Can somebody help me?
  6. I found a simple solution to my problem. I am actually doing what meter said. I made 4 copies of my bot. I start them all at once and each has a different txt file. I can confirm that this runs SMOOTHLY on my pc. I have Core2Duo, 4gb ram and the 4 bots consume only 5% of the CPU. I will also try what you guys said but I doubt it can get simpler than this. This means I should try running 80 bots at once then
  7. I have searched for this question but haven't found anything: What I want is my forum registration bot to run faster. Is it possible for the bot to register on 4 forums at once? Each forum in a separate window. Of course I have hundreds of forums I want to register on I am looking for a feature that senuke has when it registers on web2.0 sites. There are 4 windows and in every window it registers on another site. This way I could speed up the whole process by 4x.
  8. I made a bot that registers on some forums and I noticed that a few on those forums have an additional checkbox or additional fields. Is there any way in ubot to fill in these additional fields and check the additional check boxes knowing that these will have different attributes from forum to forum. Is there some general setting?
  9. If I set list-from-file to c:/user/x/desktop/file.txt the words user and x will be different form PC to PC. How do I make it work on all pcs? I would like ubot to get the file from the same folder where the exe is.
  10. I have a bot that registers on some websites and then puts the profile links in a txt file. I'm using a loop. My problem is that the txt file always contains only the last profile link. For example if I register on: site.com site2.com Then only site2.com/profile will be on the txt file. How can I get the link of all sites I registered on?
  11. Ok guys here you go. I am talking about these kinds welbeckwelfarefc.co.uk/guestbook/index.php?do=add_form&page=1
  12. Nevermind. Captcha works if I select it with choose by position THREAD CLOSED
  13. Temporary Internet Files: rundll32.exe,InetCpl.cpl,ClearMyTracksByProcess 8 doesn't work This is how it works for me: Rundll32.exe InetCpl.cpl,ClearMyTracksByProcess 8 (see the removed comma). Thanks irobot
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