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Everything posted by datarecall

  1. Hey Guys, I am trying to make a bot that will take the current time -1hr for timezone difference and add another 25 minutes, or just -35 Minutes. Has something like this been done? Any help is appreciated.
  2. I am trying to test if kw: exists in variable curtitle however it seems to be failing here is the image of the if statement: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/2397195/sshot-17.png
  3. the . matches any character with the + giving back as needed so it matches up to the varname, unless im mistaken and php is different then js regex.
  4. I have some text here : http://xxxx.net/fire.php?eid=5&ofid=24&varme=1-16210 and I am trying to extract using find regular expression using this : http://dl.dropbox.com/u/2397195/sshot-16.png but its returning the entire line back for some reason.
  5. Hey Lilly, Really hard cause it would be next to impossible to rip this form, its pretty complex i got everything handled except adding the countries. Thoughts on what I can try ? its not choosing the element properly (the hidden input) just need to change the value of it. Thanks for your help
  6. I cant seem to get this to chose properly, been messing with it for 4 hours now :| Chose by attribute : inner html search string : /<INPUT class=fb_token_hidden_input value=[A-Z][A-Z] type=hidden name=UIAdTargeting_CountriesTokenizer_[0-9a-z]+\[\]>/im method: regex inner html: <INPUT class=fb_token_hidden_input value=CA type=hidden name=UIAdTargeting_CountriesTokenizer_c4d3095647a7df1536619327[]>Canada<SPAN class=x onmouseover="CSS.setClass(this, 'x_hover');" onmouseout="CSS.setClass(this, 'x');" onclick="this.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode.token.rem
  7. I am trying to figure out a way to send keys "in firefox window" This is my attempt to get roboform to fill in the data for the form automatically and then copy back into the ubot browser, any tips or tricks I can use to accomplish this ? Thanks
  8. I got it to run through removed the * around google but its still adding urls like :http://webcache.googleusercontent.com etc, its also getting rid of some urls that dont have google in it.
  9. This is what I tried here but now its not adding anything
  10. Is there a way to test to see while looping through a list if the list item contacts *google* Scraping some urls off google and cant figure out a way to ditch their own urls. So I figure if while im iterating through the urls it did find if i could run a wildcard test search i can just skip it. Thanks for the help
  11. Answered my own question for anyone else looking Choose by attribute then select method wildcards and then put *FNameText
  12. I am trying to create a bot to fill a form The name of the form looks like : _ctl2:_ctl7:_ctl0:ct:2026739:2026739:rfp:FNameText The only thing contstant is the FNameText the rest of it is random is there a way to parse out the fnametext and then fill that field ? Thanks
  13. Hello, The problem I am having is that I would like some of the leg work done for me without training each form individually. Is there a way to search page : username and then fill in the corresponding username text field. search for email and fill in the corresponding textbox etc. A point in the right direction would be great. Thanks
  14. Thanks lilly, what I did was did search page if it evaluated to TRUE then page scrape if not skip it.
  15. How would i got about error catching a page scrape, if the page scrape was unsuccessful. For example i am testing if pagination exists if it does not set numpages = 1
  16. Hey Guys, Just got ubot and I am just trying to find the potential of this bot, I am looking to build a bot that will fill forms with accuracy as well as roboform does. Any thoughts or snippets of code I can look at to help get me started. Thanks
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