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Everything posted by katelynnm

  1. Thanks, Steve! I ended up using this regex: set table cell(&googleresults, #count, 1, $replace regular expression($table cell(&googleresults, #count, 1), "results(.*)", $nothing))
  2. I have a list of keywords and results. I want to delete everything in the second column from the word "results" onward. I can't seem to figure out how to select that portion of the strings since they are not always exactly the same. Is there some sort of wildcard I can do or anything? Any help would be greatly appreciated! For reference, here's a screencap of the table: http://i42.tinypic.com/10e36ma.jpg
  3. Thank you all so much for all of the help!! Sorry I wasn't able to respond sooner-I was out of town. ds062692-that seemed to do the trick-it's working great now! Thanks again!
  4. I have a table with 50 rows (a screencap of part of it is below). I have another csv file that states how many visits a writer averages on his/her posts. Basically I need to set a variable called #rate that will correspond to the range that the person falls under. For instance, if the person averages 200 visits per post, then #rate will equal $1.50. I need it to loop through a csv of users to calculate each one and add them all to a new list. I'm not sure how to go about it without manually setting each range as a separate if statement, and I feel like there must be a smarter and easier w
  5. It's coming from the list. If I do the type text with a specific word instead of $next list item it doesn't add in the commas.
  6. Hi! I just tried it but it didn't work-here are the two ways I tried it: Attempt 1: set(#removecomma, $replace($next list item(%searchterms), ",", $nothing), "Global") type text(<id="search-home-input">, $next list item(%searchterms), "Standard") Attempt 2: type text(<id="search-home-input">, $next list item(%searchterms), "Standard") set(#removecomma, $replace("<id=search-home-input>", ",", $nothing), "Global")
  7. Within a loop, I'm using "$next list item" to type into an input box from a list. This causes the item to have a comma at the end of it. Example: "dog," How can I hit backspace to delete the comma before moving on with my script? I have tried typing {BK} and {Backspace} into the "Text to Type" field following the "$next list item", but that doesn't work. For reference, I have pro version 4. Thanks.
  8. Thanks again, Steve-it's working well!
  9. Hi Steve-that works great! Is there any way that I can now set a limit so that it only scrapes the first 15 times?
  10. I have a bot that needs to scrape the seconds (#s), minutes (#m) or hours (#h) that is listed on the first 15 search results. It just won't save the times properly at all-I can't get them separated into separate rows or do a replace to add in commas or anything. I'm very stuck-what am I doing wrong? Here is my code: clear list(%search term) clear list(%times) navigate("https://twitter.com/search-home", "Wait") type text(<id="search-home-input">, "puppy", "Standard") click(<class="button btn primary-btn submit selected search-btn">, "Left Click", "No") wait for element(<titl
  11. Hi Carl-thank you so much-that worked perfectly!
  12. I have a table with two columns. I want to take the table and reverse the entire thing. Example: This original table: ------------------- | Dog | 1 | ------------------- | Cat | 2 | ------------------- | Bird | 4 | ------------------- | Fish | 8 | ------------------- Becomes: ------------------- | Fish | 8 | ------------------- | Bird | 4 | ------------------- | Cat | 2 | ------------------- | Dog | 1 | ------------------- How do I do that? I tried this which worked but I want it to be in Decending order with Colu
  13. Thank you, everyone-I just figured it out if($both($comparison(#globalrank, "<=", 50000), $comparison(#globalrank, ">", 40000))) { then { if($both($comparison(#googleresults, "<=", 30000), $comparison(#googleresults, ">", 25000))) { then { add item to list(%oklist, #final_row, "Delete", "Global") } } } }
  14. how do I say this in ubot: if A is <= 30000 BUT >20000 AND if B is <=20000 BUT > 15000 Then {do this} So far I've tried a large mixture of $both and $comparison
  15. Steve-that worked perfectly for changing the colors-thank you SO much!! Do you know if there's a way to have it skip the first row? The first row is my table headers which I want left their default color
  16. Hi Steve-thank you for the help! It looks like it is doing what I need it to do, but I'm having trouble changing the column. I switched out the cell in the if statement, but it is still changing only the google results column. Here is that change: if($comparison(#com, "=", "Yes")) { then { set(#color, "lightgreen", "Global") } else { set(#color, "red", "Global") } }
  17. I have an HTML table that is generated using ubot. Now I want the bot to go through a specific column in the table and, if a cell contains only the word "yes", change the background color of that cell to green. Conversely, if the cell contains only the word "no", I want the cell background to change to red. Any ideas regarding how how to go about this would be greatly appreciated! I have some coding experience (JavaScript, jQuery, jQuery mobile, PHP, etc.) but I'm very new to ubot. For reference, here is my current ubot code: clear table(&my table) clear list(%rows) clear list(%comp
  18. Hi Kevin, Thanks-I was able to figure it out using a replace command with some regex and then looping it.
  19. How can I go through a column of a csv and delete all instances of a letter-even when it is part of a word? For example, remove every instance of the letter "E"? Here is what I have tried: set table cell(&my table, #row_num, 2, $replace($table cell(&my table, #row_num, 2), "Â", $nothing)) increment(#row_num)
  20. I'm creating a bot that goes through a list of URLs in one column, saves the fastest suggested route in google maps to the next column, and then saves a screenshot of the map to the third column. I'm having the hardest time trying to save an image to a table cell. Is there any way to go about this? Any help would be greatly appreciated! Here is my code: navigate("maps.google.com", "Wait") click(<id="d_launch">, "Left Click", "No") create table from file("C:\\Users\\Katelynn\\Desktop\\addresses.txt", &my table) set(#row_num, 0, "Global") clear list(%places) loop($table total ro
  21. Thank you for all of the advice, everyone! HelloInsomnia - that worked perfectly! Thank you so much!! LoWrldErTJ - I'd love to see your plugin when you've finished it-it sounds awesome!
  22. Thank you both. HelloInsomnia: I just tried what you posted and it replaces every cell with numbers that increase by one all the way down. Here is the table that I'm trying to change: http://s12.postimg.org/ikzl0vci5/one.jpg I want it to go through the middle column and remove all instances of "m run". Basically code that changes it to this: http://s22.postimg.org/d31p69sap/image.jpg Here is my ubot code thus far: create table from file("C:\\Users\\Katelynn\\Desktop\\data2.csv", &my table) set(#loop_row_num, 0, "Global") loop($table total rows(&my table)) { set table c
  23. I'm trying to search a table and find all instances of a string within a specific column and replace them with nothing. For instance: search Column 1 and replace all instances of the word "mile" with nothing, but keep everything else that is in the cell. How would I go about doing that? Thank you in advance.
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