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Everything posted by YuraB

  1. HelloInsomnia, that the thing, I don't need date conversion/formatting, all I needed is adding interval functionality. Your plugin does not do that.
  2. HelloInsomnia, maybe I miss something but the plugin you mentioned does only date formatting. I didn't find any reference to adding time interval to the given date. Please correct me if I'm wrong
  3. I just wanted to share function that I wrote for adding time interval to specific date. It seems that UBOT missing basic date manipulation functions, so I decided to write my own. I hope it will be useful to someone define $date_add(#d, #interval, #ivalue) { if($comparison(#interval,"=","SECONDS")) { then { set(#st,$eval("var d=new Date('{#d}');d.setSeconds(d.getSeconds()+{#ivalue});d;"),"Local") } } if($comparison(#interval,"=","MINUTES")) { then { set(#st,$eval("var d=new Date('{#d}');d.setMinutes(d.getMinutes()+{#ivalue});d;"),
  4. The easiest way to do so is to create server script to download remote content. For example you can call your php file with url as parameter (navigate to http://www.yourdomain.com/getremotefile.php?url=http://www.remotesite.com/video.avi') <?php $file = $_GET["url"]; // read the file from remote location $current = file_get_contents($file); // create new file name $name = "path/to/folder/newname.avi"; // Write the contents back to the file file_put_contents($file, $current);
  5. Can I pass table as variable to the custom function? When I do so the table that pass is empty in the function.
  6. sorry haven't read carefully your question. this code should work: clear list(%links) clear list(%anchors) add list to list(%links, $find regular expression($scrape attribute(<(tagname="td" AND class="cluster-name")>, "innerhtml"), "(?<=<a href=\\\").*?(?=\\\">.*?</a>\\s+<span)"), "Don't Delete", "Global") add list to list(%anchors, $find regular expression($scrape attribute(<(tagname="td" AND class="cluster-name")>, "innerhtml"), "(?<=<a href=\\\".*?\\\">).*?(?=</a>\\s+<span)"), "Don't Delete", "Global") This will keep your duplicate items
  7. all of your ignore list has same URL, so the command "add list to list" has setting that delete duplicate items in the list. You can change the "Delete" setting to "Don\'t Delete". This will keep all tree links in the list
  8. Thank you blumi40, this is eye-opening for me .
  9. Should work add list to list(%links, $find regular expression($scrape attribute(<(tagname=td AND class="cluster-name")>,"innerhtml"), "(?<=href=\\\").*(?=\\\")"), "Delete", "Global")
  10. I played for a while trying to code Google account creator with PVA bypass. I tried following: - Elite private proxies (proxies ninja with fresh IPs/ never used before) - MAC spoofing by modifying registry and restarting Local Area Connection - Changing screen resolution with set browser property x/y - Changing user-agent from list of 100 predefined UA - clear cookies - clear supper cookies /temp files with "InetCpl.cpl ClearMyTracksByProcess 4351" - run CClean I understand there is major fingerprinting such as fonts set/ and browser plugins. I haven't found dissent way to spoof those.
  11. Have you tried use empty quotations "" instead of $nothing? You can also try $eval math function to use JavaScript replace functionality.
  12. I use different solution for manipulating images. First install free plugin "Advanced Shell" from UbotDev.com. This will allow you to execute command line commands. Get free soft called "ImageMagick" from here http://www.imagemagick.org/script/binary-releases.php#windows (I use Portable Win32 static at 16 bits-per-pixel version, this will allow you to simply copy .exe with your ubot without installing software). There is tons of functionality that can be done with this soft using command line (You will be impressed with documentation and capability of this software http://www.imagemagick.org
  13. I try to scrape links in multiple treads (one page per thread). Now, since lists, tables has no local or global setting each thread override other treads list's values (of the same list name). I haven't tried to test local variable with multi thread to see if each thread has it's own value stored in variable. Another solution would be to have dynamic list naming (use thread index in list name). Seems it doesn't possible in UBot. Any suggestions?
  14. I use UBot 4.2.20 (UBot 5 is not reliable yet), I try to upload file through FTP on my server. I connected to FTP successfully, and I can create folders and delete them through FTP connection. When I try upload file I can see FTP server logs shows that it is in passive mode. The Ubot script returns error that FTP server failed to respond correctly on specified server with port different then 21 (port was set to 21 in FTP connection command). I wondering if there is way to force active mode for file upload? If you had the same issue in past and know how to fix it, please help.
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