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Everything posted by Simon

  1. Thanks Lilly I get it now and thanks for the speedy reply. Simon
  2. Thanks for the reply Lilly, just going to mess about with a test bot now.
  3. Thanks Bot Boddy, I would appreciate that alot. IRobot I did follow your advice (thank you) and looked in the blog as you suggested but I am new to ubot and I am trying to learn it so i wanted to know about the true/false qualifiers as I cant find an explanaition of how they work. I, as you have suggested tried putting them into a bot but they dont seem to work as I imagined so I am now asking for help on the forum, again as you suggested. This is not a continuation of my previous post it is a new one hence the new post. And no I was given no examples on the true/false qualifiers as you ha
  4. I think they could be useful but I need to know how they work, just a simple example would do. In the script reference it just says true returns true, false returns false!!!!! Not very helpful to a NOOB like me. Thanks Simon
  5. In the blog the Previous/Next buttons at the bottom of the blog are appearing on top of each other, anyone having the same problem? Does it on ie8 and firefox. Simon
  6. Can anyone give me an example of how to use true and false qualifiers or point me in the right direction because I am not sure how they work. Thanks Simon
  7. What I meant was display the page when you load a compiled bot but before you ran the script, like when you start ubot dev tool it navigates to the bot store. At the moment when you load up a compiled bot it navigates to a blank page, you then have to run the script to use the navigate command, I want to display a page before you run the script. Sorry about multiple posts, thought it was applicable in both areas. Simon
  8. Hi all, I am a newbie here so forgive me if this is a dumb question. Is there any way to get a compiled bot to start on a webpage or to load up a localy saved html file before you run the script. Reason is I would like someone to run my compiled bot and I want it to display an instruction page for the bot, or maybe just an advert for a website my brother is designing. Thanks for the great tool by the way. Simon
  9. Thanks for the prompt reply Lilly, I did not realise it would effect things like the save box even when the script was not running. Thanks again for the quick reply. Simon
  10. Here is the bot. Regards Simon Bot2.ubot
  11. Hi guys, I have Windows 7 x64 Ultimate (Updated) Internet Explorer 8 Ubot 3.325 If I change the bot in any way then run the script when I exit Ubot the window pops up asking me to save. The window then dissapears. Same happens if i click on about, the version window pops up and dissapears instantly. Actually just tried it again, if you just run the script without editing it it does the same thing. Also had it crash when trying to rename a script but I have not been able to replicate that problem. So far the software is very good, just had it 2 days and I have no programming skills at
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