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Everything posted by WildWex

  1. Team - we don't need ALT-xxxx or CTRL-xxxx when you've got a node selected... how about a straight keypress. Note - you can use the UP and DOWN arrow keys to move node to node... but how about enabling developers with the following keyboard shortcuts while in NODE VIEW: For example, we should request the following... Pressing E puts the node into EDIT mode. (we have the benefit of pressing ENTER to complete our edits already) Pressing R to run the selected node. Pressing C to copy the selected node node (hover a fading tool tip suggesting the node has been copied to the clipboard) Pr
  2. Seriously uBot Team - there are a lot of developers here! Keyboard shortcuts are really needed here in order to speed through BOT development! When a node within your code is selected, yes, you can use the UP and DOWN arrow keys to move node to node... but how about enabling developers with the following keyboard shortcuts while in NODE SELECTION mode: Pressing E puts the node into EDIT mode. (we have the benefit of pressing ENTER to complete our edits already) Pressing R to run the selected node. Pressing C to copy the selected node node (hover a fading tool tip suggesting the node h
  3. AutoIM is referring to the need for a keyboard shortcut to edit a node. Yes, CTRL-E is already used, and that's fine, but we need some other CTRL-xxxx keyboard sequence (or ALT-xxxx or ???) so that one can edit a node without having to use the mouse, right-click on the node and edit. If the node is 'selected' then they CTRL-xxxxx should allow the node to be edited.
  4. Would like to see a keyboard shortcut to edit a node without having to right-click & select EDIT from the node's menu. So, based on the node selected (either by mouse or by tabbing to a node), I'd like to have some CTRL-xxx or some key combination that would duplicate the right-click & EDIT selection. It would save a keystroke and thusly valuable coding time keeping my hands on the keyboard as much as possible.
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