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Everything posted by wouldjaball

  1. Hello all, any ideas or suggestions are welcome. I am trying to get a bot that will upload images from a folder that will be housed on the desktop. Let's say there is a folder with 10 .jpeg files in it. On the first loop I want the bot to pull the first Image, then move on to the second etc...Ideally the image would be removed from the folder once used. How can I accomplish this, and have a future user select the location of their picture folder from the UI? Is this possible? Please note, the website I am uploading to has you insert an image like this: http://gyazo.com/d0906f675d437234
  2. North_Star Thanks for all of your help, but when I run that sample, I'm not seeing getting any results added to list. You can see here, debugger not showing anything in list: http://gyazo.com/84f6408d6f7cc4c3ef83f7b97b33b860
  3. I'm not sure how that would work, can you please explain?
  4. Hi all, I'm trying to scrape the following search string: KEYWORD "comments" site:youtube.com/user from google search results, but can't find a good attribute to scrape. I'd like to scrape 4 pages of results, Any ideas on what I can use as the element to scrape? I'm trying to scrape the channel name from the search results: www.youtube.com/user/optimalkeyword Thanks for your help!
  5. Hi all, I'm trying to create a script for youtube that rotates thru different youtube accounts. From a UITextbox, I'm trying to create a table, and I'm not sure if I'm going about it the right way. The table keeps putting all of the variable in one row, instead of different rows. Here's the code, any pointers for this noobie would be much appreciated. ui block text("Gmail Accounts", #UIGmail) ui block text("Gmail Passwords", #UIPasswords) clear list(%UIGMails) add item to list(%UIGMails, $list from text(#UIGmail, $new line), "Delete", "Global") clear list(%UIPasswords) add list to list(%UI
  6. Hi all, I just made some tweaks to a script, and saved before doing anything. Tried to run the script, and it swithed away from node view, and said that there was an error in the script. When I went to try and load the saved version(which I saved in node mode without any issues) the script loaded in code view, and I can't get back to node mode to fix. This has happened several times. Any Idea why? Script is below:    navigate("https://accounts.google.com/ServiceLogin?passive=true&hl=en_US&continue=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fsignin%3Faction_handle_signin%3Dtrue%26feature%3D
  7. Thanks! Now on to the next problem!
  8. Hello all, Newbie here, and I'm stuck. I'm getting this error code: http://gyazo.com/aa2f4352a318009ffd72fb7a9013bd64 when I'm running this portion of the code: set(#HighPRYoutubeChannel, $list item(%High PR Youtube, #Loopnumber), "Global") Any ideas why? I'm, trying to get the bot to choose the appropriate line from a UItextlist as it loops, and enter that line(a url) into navigation. Here's the code I have, any help would be appreciated. clear list(%High PR Youtube) add list to list(%High PR Youtube, $list from text(#HighPRYoutubeChannel, $new line), "Delete", "Global") set(#HighPR
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