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Everything posted by wouldjaball

  1. anybody know how to find this destination? https://www.useloom.com/share/75280eca34fc470c94aa51c32e228b72 Thanks!
  2. I've looked at this damn thing, and I can't tell where it's going? Any ideas on how to figure it out? THanks!
  3. Hi guys... Trying to figure out issue here.. https://www.useloom.com/share/9ed15cf71bf04d5895a4fab4148e4ff2 What am I missing? Thanks!
  4. Thanks ubotdev, Not sure what I'm doing wrong... Scraping attribute. tried just the href with wildcards and didn't see any results. Little help? http://screencast.com/t/f066h14RaInn
  5. Hey all, Quick question. How would you go about scraping all of your linkedIn Id's from your connections tab in Linked In? linkedin.com/contacts/view?id=16014436&trk=contacts-contacts-list-contact_name-0 I want to grab the number(XXXXX) in between ?id= XXXXX & How would you do this? Innerhtml? SCrape attribute or Scrape Page? Thanks for any help!
  6. Hi all, I guess I don't think I asked the question correctly... I am trying to find a way to cycle thru and click from one file to the next... I was originally using the $getfiles, however facebook has now changed it to whenever you upload a pic, you have to select from the window that pops up... is there a way to cycle thru the list in that window that pops up in Facebook? Thanks for all your help!
  7. Not sure the best way to do this... I want to go from beginning to end of the list automatically. Ideally I want this to be formatted so anyone using the bot can run it without special /user/folder campaigns... Is this possible? screencast.com/t/6Fj2YvGSpipi
  8. nice catch on the $list total, I will try ti implement later today! THanks!
  9. thanks for the suggestion Ubotdev but that's not working... it's not looping all the way thru, and not scrolling.
  10. Hi all, so I'm having trouble, and I think it's with looping What I want to happen is to have the bot rotate thru the alphabet and scrape results BUT the bot needs to cycle thru the javascript code to go to the bottom of the page until the bottom of the page is reached for each letter. I want to add the data scraped from each letter to a total list. Here's what I have, I think I'm screwing up the looping somewhere... Thanks for any help! ui text box("Facebook Email", #FBemail) ui text box("Facebook Password", #FBpassword) ui text box("Last Name", #LastName) navigate("http://www.facebook.
  11. Botguru, I am having trouble, not sure what I am missing. I have the code set like this however, it doesn't seem to loop. If I switch the last two lines of code, everything works OK, until the bot gets stuck at the end and can't go any further. Can you see what I'm doing wrong? set(#Loop, 0, "Global") loop while($comparison(#Loop, "=", $list total(%LastNames))) { run javascript(" window.scrollTo(0,document.body.scrollHeight)") set(#Loop, $list total(%LastNames), "Global") add list to list(%LastNames, $scrape attribute(<href=w"https://www.facebook.com/*?">, "href"), "Dele
  12. botguru, you are correct, but not sure I completely understand... I don't have a loop while...
  13. Thanks bot gurue, but the problem is there is nothing at the end of the pages that signifies the end, it just stops scrolling... Any ideas?
  14. Hi all, I am trying to get the bot to scroll to the bottom of this page www.facebook.com/friends/requests when I put in a first or last name. I'm currently using the javascript code below to do it: loop(100) { run javascript(" window.scrollTo(0,document.body.scrollHeight)") wait(1) as you can see I'm currently using a loop, but I'm trying to find a way to keep scrolling until there aren't any more entries without limiting to a loop, as sometimes there are still more entires, and sometimes there aren't 100, and the bot stalls until all the loops are completes.. Is this possi
  15. Dan and Zap, thanks for your help, I seem to have it sorted.
  16. for some reason that keeps crashing my bot
  17. Thanks Dan! Maybe this will help to clarify... I'm pretty new to ubot, so any help you could show me with the loop and truncating to the ? would be really appreciated!
  18. Dan, Thanks for your help, How exactly would I use that? I put your code into my bot, and I don't seem to be pulling any values. Should I be running that code against the list I've already pulled? (If so, how would I accomplish that?) Or is this supposed to pull the values. Thanks for the help!
  19. Hi all! Trying to put together a bot that scrapes facebook uid's from a list of user urls I've got it to scrape the urls' but it's scraping twice as well as misc. other Href. I'm pretty sure this could be solved with a regex command. The urls show up like this: https://www.facebook.com/john.englert.7?hc_location=friend_browser&fref=pymk and all I really need is this: https://www.facebook.com/john.englert.7 What regex would I use to get this? Even better, what would be the easiest way in Ubot to replace the "www" with "graph" so the final url would look like: https://graph.f
  20. correction guys, got it working...that code above should be good. Thanks everyone for your help!
  21. Hey guys... thanks for all of your help, but it's still not working... I changed user agent to Safari and here's what I have code wise... the red line is where it seems to stall: wait for browser event("Everything Loaded", "") wait(2) wait for browser event("Everything Loaded", "") wait(2) This is where the code seems to stall... It no longer recognizes the innertext, and you can't change file field until that has been clicked. click(<innertext="Add Photo / Video">, "Left Click", "No") wait for element(<name="composer_unpublished_photo[]">, "", "Appear")
  22. Hey all, Had a bot running for Facebook for the last couple of months. Looks like they implemented some anti bot measures. Is there any way around this? http://screencast.com/t/CKFVG7IFI When the bot goes to click "upload photo/video" it somehow knows it's coming from a bot. Is there a work around for this? Please help! Here's what I have.. navigate("http://www.facebook.com", "Wait") type text($element offset(<email field>, 0), #FBemail, "Standard") type text($element offset(<password field>, 0), #FBpassword, "Standard") click(<login button>, "Left Click", "No") w
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