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About jomcat

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  1. HelloInsomnia I just want to thank you for your help. It turns out that my issue isn't with threading but with multiple threads trying to access the same db at the same time (as you suggested). As a solution I wrote up some code to queue all database queries to prevent two threads trying to access the same DB. So far so good, running for a few hours with no errors. For those who might have the same issue I've included the code below. It's easy use and I hope it will help somebody who was having the same database threading issues I was having! comment("USAGE: When making a DB call add the if s
  2. Now that's something I can't get my head around... Local to the define but not to the thread? So if I run a define twice and the define contains all its code in a new thread (in new browser) surely the threads that are running will populate the local vars and lists that are in the define the thread is running in? Sorry, I'm sure you've gone through this a thousand times before but I know if I could just get my head around this concept things would click for me (pardon the pun). Also if I store data in a table during the thread and then save it to DB at the end outside of the thread will the da
  3. Hello HelloInsomnia, Thanks for getting back to me. I had already started building a testing bot and found a lot out from that. I do keep all vars and lists local but when the same define (containing a thread) is run more than once at the same time the threads end out storing nothing to the DB or just fails because some bit of data is missing (URL to navigate to etc.) that came from the DB. If you say that local vars and local lists are thread save then my issue must be with DB queries with results overwriting the Global tables from other threads. I have where possible moved this data into
  4. Just an update on why the TinyMCE threading plugin didn't work... It doesn't work with "In new browser" http://network.ubotstudio.com/forum/index.php/topic/14197-howtorun-external-scripts/?p=108623. So I guess my long post can now be boiled down to one question... How do you guys make thread safe bots when a define with new thread contains multiple lists, tables and SQLite queries? Cheers!
  5. Okay so I've read all the posts about threads and how to get them to work but the little blighters just won't work for me. In random threads the vars, lists or tables would be blank and/or store blank data to the DB. I have a bot that follows the following flow: I set the bot to run a schedule that runs a defineThe define connects to a sqlite DB and gets a list of tasks to performEach task is a define that contains a thread in a new browserEach define contains var, lists and tablesSo the multi-threading veterans out there are thinking... Duh, the lists and tables are not thread safe and are ge
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