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Zen last won the day on May 10 2010

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About Zen

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  1. After selecting an item from a a dropdown with autopostback set it should loan the page with changes but when ubot selects the dropdown and changes the selected item it doesnt cause the postback to activate. Is there an easy fix for this. I have put in a key stroke for an enter key and it does work but the bot needs to have focus on the screen. That sorta defeats the purpose of it. I have tried inserting a tab which doesnt seem to work. I have tried selecting another object on the screen and that doesnt do anything. Only other thing I have seen that works is to select another open and send a c
  2. One of the most important things is that is actually reads the code and changes in websites. Most macro systems dont read things like postback and actual code changes in a site. They simply look for ether a change to the look or other stuff like that.
  3. Zen

    Set Value To List

    And that worked. Odd way to go about it but hey... I am thankful you were able to help me.
  4. Zen

    Set Value To List

    That only posts a single line. I need the entire list in posted.
  5. I have a large list of information I need to add to a field on the page. When I select "change chosen attribute" and select list "insert" it gives me an error when ever it tries to post (attached below). I have already tried "send chosen keys to field" and that would work other than the fact that it doesnt send symbols correctly. Like a | and a couple other ones. Is there a way to be able to paste/get this list into this field other than what I am trying. I would simply add it line by line but the only way I know to do that is "change chosen attribute" which will remove the previous info
  6. splain this magic you speak of!!! I must know how it is done. lol
  7. Can you explain this in code. I am a little lost to what you mean.
  8. That is what I mean. It really seems like that feature should have been put in at the same time the include feature was put in. It would be a very useful feature. I have many types of bots that can user this feature.
  9. I dont really know where I should be putting this because I would have figured it was a standard feature across the board when the include script option was added but it seems my include scripts cant see the global variable the main script collected before running the included script. Does anyone know if this truly does work and I am simply doing something wrong or should I be putting in a request from this to be added?
  10. I really could use something like this too. Example: I pull a phone number from a list (321-654-7894) and I need to post it into a 3 text box phone number screen. Taking the information as it is in the list which cant be easily edited wouldn't be able to be put into those fields.
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