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About peterclough12

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    Windows 7
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    More Than 9Gb
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  1. Is there a fast way to get the category results down that show down the lefthand side of the search page?
  2. Thanks for that. I've had a look at the Amazon pagenusing the Chrome Dev Tools. I have to say that it's way beyond me to make any use of it. I think I'll have to stick with Regular Expressions etc on the source code when the pages are loaded to grab things like Best Sellers Rank. Thanks for pointing it all out though.
  3. Thanks pash I've already put in the following code: navigate("http://www.amazon.com","Wait") wait for element(<id="searchDropdownBox">,"","Appear") change dropdown(<id="searchDropdownBox">,"Kindle Store") wait(3) wait for element(<outerhtml="<option value=\"search-alias=digital-text\">Kindle Store</option>">,"","Appear") type text(<name="field-keywords">,#kw,"Standard") alert("Click the Search box, type in a Space then click Run") pause script I'm not familiar with the plugin command. Amaz
  4. In previous versions when you used a 'type text' to type text into the search bar in Amazon it used to show the Search Suggestions that Amazon would return in your regular browser. I use these Search Suggestions as part of my bot. When I say previous version I can only really comment on 5.5.13 which is on my laptop & the bot still shows the search suggestions. I would use the laptop but the performance is lacking & it keeps over-heating. If I click manually and type a space in the UBot version of the browser it shows the the Search Suggestions but not when I use the UBot Click comm
  5. I'm scraping links from Amazon into a list. When I navigate to these links using $list item, the browser is changing the contents of the link as well as showing two consequetive copies of the page within the same browser i.e. one on top of the other. It is changing: http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=sr_pg_2?rh=n%3A133140011%2Ck%3Anutribullet+recipe+book&page=2&keywords=nutribullet+recipe+book&ie=UTF8&qid=1423992933 into: http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=sr_pg_2?rh=n:133140011%2Ck:nutribullet+recipe+book&page=2&keywords=nutribullet+recipe+book&ie=UTF8&qid=1423992933 i
  6. After doing a search on Amazon for a keyword, I would like to visit those links and involve the socket commands to cut down on the time taken to scrape. I'm currently scraping the links from the results page into a list then navigating to the items from the list. However, doing it this way, it seems like the socket commands to switch off images etc doesn't seem to work. The images just seem to load anyway. Does anybody have any suggestions?
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