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About elindo

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  • OS
    Windows 8
  • Total Memory
    < 1Gb
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  • License
    Standard Edition

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  1. Ok... So Ubot can automate websites.... and it can do scrapping of the internet... Could Ubot automate your windows software? Could Ubot automate skype? What would be the limitations?
  2. Hello! Other than the videos from Ubot... Is there a way to know the rules / interactions of the different symbols with each other? When should you use it and what they do? # , $ , % What do they mean? and how do they relate on a code? I have been guessing just by looking at patterns... but if I can read up on just the basic relation / interaction / meaning of the symbols, then I would have an easy understanding of the coding structure..
  3. This is what I am looking for: Set proxies list to randomly navigate after a task. Open and set a folder from IU commands with files in it After selecting the folder... hit "run" and let the bot work on... Open random files from folder.. navigate to random sites from the random file selected from the folder. Have the ability to set random time between the navigation pages Have the ability to loop the navigation if I want.. Finish first random file.. Change to random proxies.. Move to the next random file.. Start random navigation from that file...
  4. It gave me an error.. What do I do with the File Management.dll ?
  5. (Note: I am new at coding and I am just learning from examples and templates) Is there a way to create a new command such as "ui open folder"? I am trying to manipulate folders the same way I can manipulate files. I am trying to randomly pick files from a folder the same way I can pick items from a file to work with. Is there a way to do it with tables maybe? I could write a bunch of little codes to work with the items in a file, and and let each bot be exclusive for each file.... But if I could add a random pick of files from a folder, then I could combine all the exclusive
  6. (Note: I am new at coding and I am just learning from examples and templates) Is there a way to create a new command such as "ui open folder"? I am trying to manipulate folders the same way I can manipulate files. I am trying to randomly pick files from a folder the same way I can pick items from a file to work with. Is there a way to do it with tables maybe? I could write a bunch of little codes to work with the items in a file, and and let each bot be exclusive for each file.... But if I could add a random pick of files from a folder, then I could combine all the exclusive
  7. Yes... I should of have said ui open folder ("Folder", #Files) A, B, C, would be files in a folder... You would open a folder that contains different files.. Then, randomly open A, B, C... which would contain a random item to go to..
  8. I know this is wrong as it can be... I am trying to navigate to a random site picked from a random file.. ui open file("Files", #Files) add list to list(%files,$list of files("1.txt 2.txt 3.txt",$new line),"Delete","Global") add list to list($random list items($list of files), "delete, "Global" navigate($random list item(%links),"Wait") UI commands seem to open files only, but no open folders to load. from there I am looking to open a random to file to work.. ... and then continue with the program..
  9. Is there an open file command? or open folder?
  10. Can we pick a random file that contains random items? I know we can add a list of items that can be picked randomly, but taking a step forward, is it possible to add a list of files and each file would contain their own list of different items? Say... Pick random: A, B, C Then go automatically to A 1, 2, 3, or B 1, 2, 3, or C 1, 2, 3. I am trying to keep the program short.
  11. Look at that... It has a change proxy command... where in the Ubot can I find that command? It is smart enough to know you are talking about proxies and make the change...
  12. Is it possible to build a bot that would automatically rotate proxies after finishing a task? I know the bots are meant to work with the internet, but is there a way for the bot to change his own settings? such as rotating proxies?
  13. Thanks... But is there a way to make a bot rotate the proxies?
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