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Warriorplus Api And Jvzoo Api Help

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*I am new to the world of API and am not an expert in programming in general.


I am looking to sell a few bots at warriorplus and jvzoo.

I was looking through API from warriorplus and their documentation seems so straightforward and easy to comprehend: https://warriorplus.com/api/docs/

I can easily request via URL with parameters like this and view products that a customer have purchased from me. I just need to input the customer email and my api key


Now at JVZOO API documentation: https://api.jvzoo.com/docs/versions/v2.0.html
I have no idea how to do this. I'm not sure what the api key parameter is.

Can you shed some light with some examples of how to make a URL request with the proper parameter using JVZOO api?

I don't want to use CURL, I just want a simple URL request with the appropriate parameters to view customer orders with their email and apikey (just like with warriorplus api).

Thank you for your help!

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