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Xpath Click Using Exbrowser

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Hi there,

I'm trying to click the edit pencil button in a Pinterest pin to open the edit pin window but cannot find a way how to achieve that consistently as they change the code a bit..This is the code right now and now I cannot find a way to click it:



<div class="flex"><div class="_0 _3j _2n _6e"><div class="_0 _3j _2n _2 _36"><div class="_0 _3j _2n" style="max-width: 800px; width: 100%;"><button aria-label="Edit" class="_r8 _25 _5b _jw _nn" type="button"><div class="_r9 _54 _2o _2w _36 _rb _6a" style="height: 40px; width: 40px;"><div class="_0 _3j _2n _54"><svg class="_mh _5i _mi _25" height="20" width="20" viewBox="0 0 24 24" aria-hidden="true" aria-label="" role="img"><title></title><path d="M13.39,6.02 L17.98,10.61 L7.10,21.50 L1.00,23.00 L2.50,16.90 L13.39,6.02 Z M22.05,1.95 C23.32,3.22 23.32,5.28 22.05,6.55 L19.75,8.85 L15.15,4.25 L17.45,1.95 C18.72,0.68 20.78,0.68 22.05,1.95 Z"></path></svg></div></div></button></div></div></div><div class="mr1"><div><div><div class="_0 _3j _2n _2f"><button aria-label="Send" style="display: block; border: medium none; padding: 0px; cursor: pointer; background: transparent none repeat scroll 0% 0%; outline: medium none;"><div class="_0 _3j _2n _55" style="background-color: transparent;"><div class="_0 _3j _2n _2 _2w _36 _6l _6m"><div class="_0 _3j _2n _2 _2w _36 _6l _6m"><div class="_0 _3j _2n _6l _6m"><svg class="_mh _5i" height="20" width="20" viewBox="0 0 24 24" aria-label="Send" role="img"><title>Send</title><path d="M21.00,14.00 C22.10,14.00 23.00,14.90 23.00,16.00 L23.00,22.00 C23.00,23.10 22.10,24.00 21.00,24.00 L3.00,24.00 C1.90,24.00 1.00,23.10 1.00,22.00 L1.00,16.00 C1.00,14.90 1.90,14.00 3.00,14.00 C4.10,14.00 5.00,14.90 5.00,16.00 L5.00,20.00 L19.00,20.00 L19.00,16.00 C19.00,14.90 19.90,14.00 21.00,14.00 Z M8.82,8.84 C8.04,9.62 6.77,9.63 5.99,8.84 C5.21,8.06 5.20,6.80 5.98,6.02 L11.99,0.00 L18.01,6.01 C18.79,6.79 18.80,8.06 18.02,8.84 C17.24,9.62 15.97,9.63 15.19,8.84 L13.99,7.65 L13.99,13.83 C13.99,14.93 13.10,15.83 11.99,15.83 C10.89,15.83 9.99,14.93 9.99,13.83 L9.99,7.66 L8.82,8.84 Z"></path></svg></div><div class="_0 _3j _2n _6l _6m"><div class="_nv _ms _mt _mu _ny _5i _mv _n5 _n3 _my">Send</div></div></div></div></div></button></div></div></div></div><button aria-label="Total engagements" class="_r8 _25 _5b _jw _nn" type="button"><div class="_r9 _54 _2o _2w _36 _rb _6a" style="height: 40px; width: 40px;"><div class="_0 _3j _2n _54"><svg class="_mh _5i _mi _25" height="20" width="20" viewBox="0 0 24 24" aria-hidden="true" aria-label="" role="img"><title></title><path d="M9.50,24.00 L9.50,4.50 C9.50,3.12 10.62,2.00 12.00,2.00 C13.38,2.00 14.50,3.12 14.50,4.50 L14.50,24.00 L9.50,24.00 Z M18.00,10.50 C18.00,9.12 19.12,8.00 20.50,8.00 C21.88,8.00 23.00,9.12 23.00,10.50 L23.00,24.00 L18.00,24.00 L18.00,10.50 Z M1.00,24.00 L1.00,13.50 C1.00,12.12 2.12,11.00 3.50,11.00 C4.88,11.00 6.00,12.12 6.00,13.50 L6.00,24.00 L1.00,24.00 Z"></path></svg></div></div></button><div class="_0 _3j _2n"><div class="_0 _3j _2n _2 _2w _3f"><div><button aria-expanded="false" aria-haspopup="true" aria-label="More options" class="_r8 _25 _5b _jw _nn" type="button"><div class="_r9 _54 _2o _2w _36 _rb _6a" style="height: 40px; width: 40px;"><div class="_0 _3j _2n _54"><svg class="_mh _5i _mi _25" height="20" width="20" viewBox="0 0 24 24" aria-hidden="true" aria-label="" role="img"><title></title><path d="M12.00,9.00 C10.34,9.00 9.00,10.34 9.00,12.00 C9.00,13.66 10.34,15.00 12.00,15.00 C13.66,15.00 15.00,13.66 15.00,12.00 C15.00,10.34 13.66,9.00 12.00,9.00 M3.00,9.00 C4.66,9.00 6.00,10.34 6.00,12.00 C6.00,13.66 4.66,15.00 3.00,15.00 C1.34,15.00 0.00,13.66 0.00,12.00 C0.00,10.34 1.34,9.00 3.00,9.00 Z M21.00,9.00 C22.66,9.00 24.00,10.34 24.00,12.00 C24.00,13.66 22.66,15.00 21.00,15.00 C19.34,15.00 18.00,13.66 18.00,12.00 C18.00,10.34 19.34,9.00 21.00,9.00 Z"></path></svg></div></div></button></div></div></div></div>


I tried //div[contains(@class,"flex")]/div/div/div/button[contains(@aria-label,"Edit")] or different variations, but it doesn't work.

Before I could click it when focusin on the specific attribute data-reactid in the edit button, but a few hours later Pinterest changed the code..Sometimes it even worked with just //button[contains(@aria-label,"Edit")] but then it stopped because there were 2 instances of it on the page.



I'll be happy for any help!


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Thank you hare ram, I really appreciate. As I mentioned in some situations I could click it easily by finding the data-reactid attribute. I found out that it's always there if I just make the Exbrowser window smaller so basically this is my workaround and it works well so far.

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