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Chrome Extension For Auto Generating Scraping Code For My Css Plugin, Exbrowser Too

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by exbrowser I mean assuming the plugins are now available for it, works with HTTP Post etc


this plugin was written by this man




Doesnt seem to be any copyright or anything but he made a great plugin and I have just added some things to generate scrape code for the CSS Plugin


In this video I quickly generate code to scrape all the thread links on the page, you notice this plugin breaks up the css path, and by starting from the end and clicking backwords, until it gives me the desired amount of matches, I also show you that you can skip some, not a direct path going backwards, as some paths are direct to to the element you originally selected, then just fill in variable/list name and copies the code to the clipboard, and paste it into ubot


heres a demo video




heres the plugin, unzip it and follow these instructions to install in Chrome




to install in Chrome


  1. Visit chrome://extensions (via omnibox or menu -> Tools -> Extensions).
  2. Enable Developer mode by ticking the checkbox in the upper-right corner.
  3. Click on the "Load unpacked extension..." button.
  4. Select the directory containing your unpacked extension.


Please leave feedback as if people use it I might actually update it !!

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someone want to post some example Exbrowser scrape code using the CSS method( Dan says you can select instead of Xpath) and I'l add an option to this

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