New POP email commands scrape and verify superfast!

A few days ago we dropped something new into all editions of UBot Studio 4: super-simple POP email commands. What this means for you is quick and easy direct access to email accounts without a web interface!

As you probably know, email clients download emails directly from email servers without visiting the web, and now UBot Studio does as well.
Additionally, we’ve made it incredibly easy to drive through account verification emails by the truckload, with seamless, simple commands.

To see how you can now use the email wizard inside UBot to read, scrape, and verify emails with lightning speed, check out this short video I recorded for you:

One notable change from UBot 3.5 to UBot 4.0 was the departure from the choose commands, with which you would use a distinct command to choose which element you wanted to work with, in favor of the new selectors, which allow you to get specific about which element or elements you want to play with directly from the action command itself. You’ve probably seen these, usually looking something like

<username field>



UBot Studio usually does all this stuff for you, so you never have to give it a second thought. But what many people don’t realize is that there is an entire mini language behind these selectors, and you can actually do some pretty amazing things with it.

The Basics

UBot Studio 4 comes prepackaged with a number of built in artificial intelligence selectors. Selectors like

<username field>

look through the html on the current page find elements that look like they’re probably for usernames. The current AI selectors are:

  • <username field>
  • <password field>
  • <email field>
  • <first name field>
  • <last name field>
  • <full name field>
  • <company field>
  • <address line1 field>
  • <address line2 field>
  • <city field>
  • <state field>
  • <state dropdown>
  • <country field>
  • <country dropdown>
  • <zip code field>
  • <phone field>
  • <fax field>
  • <sex male checkbox>
  • <sex female checkbox>
  • <sex dropdown>
  • <birthday field>
  • <birth month dropdown>
  • <birth day dropdown>
  • <birth year dropdown>
  • <birth year field>
  • <login button>
  • <create account button>
  • <terms of service checkbox>
  • <url field>
  • <headline field>
  • <about me textarea>

Please note that these selectors are a computer’s best guess of an abstract concept, and will not work 100% of the time. Still, what these AI selectors allow you to do is create scripts without having to know the exact html for an element. It also means that you can write scripts that will work across multiple sites, even when the sites don’t have the same html.

The Less Basic

AI is an imperfect art, which means that sometimes you’ll have to interact with the html. The UBot Studio Selectors allow you to match elements based on their attributes.


will match any element with the name “user”.


will match all the text boxes on the page.

You can actually get kind of fancy with these too. Let’s say that you want to find all the elements in which the name contains the text “user”. Simply put


The ‘c’ in front of the quoted “user” tells it that we want anything containing the text. Likewise,


turns the asterisk into a wildcard. In


the ‘r’ allows you to use simple regular expressions in your text.

Besides the advanced matching of attributes you have access to, there are also special attributes that don’t exist in html, but do exist in the UBot selector language. These are the following:

  • tagname – The name of the tag in question. For example: div, img, a, table, etc.
  • before – The text that comes directly before an element. This is useful, for example, in identifying a textbox by its label.
  • after – The text that comes after an element. This is useful for identifying radio boxes by their labels.
  • fieldset – If a field is inside a fieldset, this will match the label in that fieldset.
  • image – Used in conjunction with image recognition.

The Advanced Stuff

You can get pretty fancy with selectors by using boolean logic. For example, you can match more than one attribute with something like

<tagname="div" AND class="content">

If you wanted to match all the textboxes and password fields on the page, you might use something like

<tagname="input" AND (type="text OR type="password")>

Now, it might be the case that you want either the id or the name to contain either “user” or “login”. These can tend to get long very fast. Even at two attributes and two possible texts, the selector is already

<id=c"user" OR name=c"user" OR id=c"login" OR name=c"login">

Fortunately, there is a shorthand that covers these situations. The previous example is the same as using


This matches each attribute with each piece of text, and can save a lot of time.

As a final note, when you use spaces in selectors in anything other than an exact match, the space can represent any connecting character. So for example, c”login name” will also match “”, “login-name” and “login_name”.

Putting it Together

So what do we get when we put it all together? Well, we come full circle, and we get the AI selectors! It turns out that the AI selectors are merely short hand for complicated selector language. For instance,

<username field>

is actually

<type=w"text" AND tagname=input AND (id,name,before=w"user",c"user name",c"user id",c"login name",c"login id")>

<password field> is shorthand for <type=w"password" AND tagname=input AND (id,name,before=w"pass",c"pass word",c"pass phrase")>

And if you’re ready to be truly afraid

<address line1 field>

is really

<type=w"text" AND tagname=input AND ((id,name,before=w"address") OR (id,name,before=c"address" AND NOT id,name,before=c"line 2"))>

Selectors are one of those things that, for right now, let us do some pretty cool things, but I know that in the future, there are going to be some UBotter heroes that are  going to test, experiment, and invent their way to fully unlocking the power of the UBot selectors.When that happens, the world of traditional internet marketing will be but a echo in the UBot marketer’s ear. Oh wait, that’s already true.

UBot 4.0 is OUT!

Two years ago, we created UBot Studio because we were spending so much time and money either building software to do repetitive marketing tasks, or finding software that could do these things. We were trying to grow our online business. But software would stop working every few weeks as sites changed or more people began using it. We wanted to make simple things like posting content on niche websites easier, so we began writing a program that could, basically, help automate SEO, messaging, and account creation. We wanted it to be easy so we could focus on business. It was so successful that now, UBot is our business.

UBot is the internet marketer’s Swiss army knife. While other software attacks SEO, keyword research, and indexing with a chainsaw, UBot grows your business your way using marketing automation that YOU control. With an intuitive drag-and-drop interface and intelligent commands, it simplifies complicated and time-consuming tasks like account creation, article spinning, posting and messaging, on any websites you choose. Just watch a few of the tutorials and you can see how simple it is to stand out from the crowd with your own customized bots.

We wanted Ubot 4 to be a breakthrough in automatic marketing technology. With our Image Recognition, this generation of marketers will be the first to control Flash games and applications inside their bots. Let me say that again. You can now make a bot for Farmville. And the new Artificial Intelligence feature and ultra-fast multi-threaded browsing will let you create accounts on almost any site at the touch of a button, and interact with web elements at lightning speeds. After you use the simple drag-and-drop interface to build scripts, you can switch to the new code view to copy, paste, and manipulate whole sets of commands as quickly as you would re-write a sentence. Then, you can use the compile feature to turn these ideas into your own full-featured, stand-alone bots. You can sell them, give them away, or run them on as many different machines as you want.

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