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    LinkedIn Robot

    • 2 bids
    • $700.00 Avg Bid (USD)
    • Open 8 years ago

    Project description:

    I have had a linkedin bot written for me in the past using ubot studio.

    It allows you to set a search query (so that the URL with the search parameters is built by linkedin), and it then connects to the resulting users. It uses all the combinations of the details entered (such as industries, keywords etc)

    Each user get a personal message which can be customised as follows:

    “Dear $memberName,\n\nI see that you are a $memberTitle and I would like to add you to my LinkedIn network. I would appreciate if you accept my invitation.\n\nKind regards,\n”

    The bot recalls who it tried to connect with and doesn’t try to reconnect.

    It also solved captchas

    Has the ability to set delays to slow down the bot

    This bot has stopped working because LinkedIn has made a few small alterations to their website and it needs to be fixed.

    I now want to add functionality as follows:

    I want it to be able to run on a few LinkedIn accounts concurrently or serially (whatever is easier).

    I want it to have an set of serial numbers or activation codes that can only run one (so that I can control on what computers this is installed)

    I want it to record who has approved my auto-connections request so it knows the status of every request.

    And then:

    option A (preferred): it should export the database of the users from LinkedIn and find that person and send them an email. The script of the email should be customised as in the above.

    Option B: It would send a message via the linkedin message system. The script of the message should be customised as in the above.

    Note: I already have a separate bot for option B which could just be copied in. And slightly fixed as they’ve changed their interface

    We would want to contact a connection just once.

    I want it to give the option to define how many people in the same company we can contact.

    The email ‘client’ should allow to configure SMTP details

    Save all details when closed. Resume once opened.

    Auto start on computer start

    Have questions before you bid? Click here to open a private conversation with the Employer, or leave a public comment below.


    1. weasky

      can do it , massage me : XZ013@OUTLOOK.COM

    2. fogisbrea

      Mandelbell, please email me to discuss this project at


    In Process
    Code Docta
    Software Developer
    In Process


    Member Since November 1, 2016
    • Location:
    • Total spent: $0.00
    • Project posted: 1
    • Hires: 0