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Exracting Realtor Emails

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Its a huge long drawn out process..a great project for us to help you thru and then allow all the newbies to follow along as a training scenario.. showing each step of the way..

It will require intensive programming... every step of the way..

1. Selecet for example "All" then "Alachua" city.. bring that up then select each agent one by one then go to that agents page and scrape both email phone number and address or what ever you need while there.


2. How many will jump in and help with this project...a super training scenario..

3. We could break down the steps.. then someone could build the agent page scraper.

4. another could build the scrapers to get the agent page url... etc...


5. anyway Robin... if you are looking for someone to write the program for you send 50 bucks to my paypal.. other wise just get it started and we will help you along the way...

6. You will need to scrape city by city then agent by agent... its a long haul and a great challenge but could be written in maybe 8 to 10 hours by an expert.. and maybe 1000 hours by a beginner...


7. I would recommend doing a page save on one sample page for each scrape.. then load all those pages to your server and do all the intensive test scraping on your server... that way they won't get the alert that someone is trying to program them.. only go to the live site when all your remote pages are scraping ok... if you don't understand what I mean ask questions... as you will be hitting thier site tons of times and they may get alerted... and ban you and any other scrapers...


8. Be careful when you start spamming Real Estate agents, as they are much more aggressive about coming after you than John Doe.. I know a few and they are always bragging about how it took weeks but they finally found the host of the offending site and got all their sites banned and locked up so they could not even get to them while the investigation was going on..

Agents get so much spam there is even two forums dedicated to finding and destroying spammers... they even pool money for attorney fees to go after offenders...

so just be careful once you get the list... in USA you are dead meat... other countries not too much problem..

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