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Transfer Data Between Two Browser (Shared)

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I am completely new to UBot. I have standard license for now. What i am trying is:


1. I will navigate to a website in main browser.

2. I will take a shared browser and navigate to another website. This browser must kept open.

3. In main browser i will scrape a text and store it in a variable.

4. I will switch back to the shared browser and paste the variable using type keys.

5. Then i will do some other steps in shared browser.


I do not know how to do it. I can process steps in main browser then can open a shared browser and do other steps. But it does not provide the solution. I must open two browser at the same time. The main browser will generate the text needed for shared browser. Then paste the text in shared browser and then the rest of the steps will be performed in shared browser.


Please guide me.


Thanks in advance.


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It's actually not a noob questions. But it's something you have to actually code. There are multiple ways to do that. So there is no simple and easy solution.


But you can use a loop while command command to keep the shared browser option. Check a special variable for true. 
And set that variable to true when you want to continue in the shared browser. 

That's the basic process.


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That's a great solution. But without executing the first command does ubot execute the 2nd command? I am going to try this:


(I do not have ability to script or view source, so i will explain in my way)


Navigate (http://a.com)

Set Variable to False


In New Browser

Navigate (http://b.com)

Loop while Variable=False

Fill Variable 1 from main browser

Do other stuff


In Main browser

Fill a text

Fill another text

Press Submit

Scrape text into variable 1

Set Variable=True


Will it work? Because there is no thread in there. Please help.



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That's a great solution. But without executing the first command does ubot execute the 2nd command? I am going to try this:


(I do not have ability to script or view source, so i will explain in my way)


Navigate (http://a.com)

Set Variable to False


In New Browser

Navigate (http://b.com)

Loop while Variable=False

Fill Variable 1 from main browser

Do other stuff


In Main browser

Fill a text

Fill another text

Press Submit

Scrape text into variable 1

Set Variable=True


Will it work? Because there is no thread in there. Please help.




No, without threads it will only execute one thing at a time.

And threads only comes with higher versions of ubot. So with your ubot license, you can't do what you try to do. 

There might be another solution, but to answer that we would have to know exactly what you try to do. 


PS: Ubot Files are ZIP Files. You can open them with Winzip or Winrar. And open the *.uscript files. There you will see the ubot code.




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Yes dan. You are correct. That is not working. But anyway i got it working in the following way:


Create a new ubot project

Navigate to a website

Fill a text

fill another text


create a file with the result in a folder

Close browser


Create another project

Navigate to a website

Loop While $FileExists (The file created from the first project)

If file found copy its content and forward.


It is working fine. The only issue is if i need to change anything i can not do that from one single ubot window. I have to save those in a separate file.


Anyway its working. And i am begining to love ubot. Though it is not possible to upgrade my ubot due to high price. But threading seems to be a good option to have.


I wish ubot team add threading to standard license.



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