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Mpaa Recruiting People For Scraping.

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“They will develop and use automated tools for gathering large amounts of data from online websites and resources, and generate meaningful statistics to help guide and bolster enforcement actions,”


the application reads.


So... Anyone want to work for the mpaa? 


Not to many bites for this job I geuss. Funny for just simple scraping and organizing, thats the first thing people learn.


Organizations like this just strikes me completly ignorant and its scary that hey have so much power.

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Hollywood does not deserve even more Money than they already have.


MPAA is the worst kind of organisation and its no wonder nobody wants to work with them that is why they are "Looking for new programmers" its bad enough everyday things are expensive as hell now they want everyone to start paying for music and movies??


Torrent websites or Server piracy trough services like Simply Debrid or Real Debrid will never end cause quite frankly there are 99% of people who watch movies and they don't have much.


There are only 1% of Rich idiots who are trying to make even more $$$ out of the 99%.



I am not saying that artists and producers should not be payed or anything,its their product and they deserve to get payed,what i am mad about is the prices that Hollywood sets these days its just too expensive.


Music is well not as expensive as it used to be but its still pretty steep.


Movies on the other hand are disgracefully expensive and that is why piracy will exist for as long as Movies and Music is out there.


Think about it Why would anyone pay for movies?? Its like paying for P0rn!


What i mean is the principle is the same,MPAA cannot protect their products in fully They tried to Stop PirateBay 7,8 times in 4 years till this day this website exists and they have over 2,5 million downloads weekly,that's how un-competent MPAA is !



Personally i will not join them cause their cause is doomed to fail because people will find new ways to keep piracy alive.


That is my opinion!

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