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Proxy rotation

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Hi Guys


I am working with the proxy rotation feature in ub4.

basically it will allow me to turn on proxy support and then allow me to toggle between normal proxies or private authenticated proxies.


Well that's the idea. I have not got passed the plain proxy setting yet. IP:Port


I based this off Lily's example but for some reason I am not getting the IP address set.

In whatsmyip the IP stays the same even though ot is rotating through the IP list.


Could someone run a test or indicate what I am doing wrong here as it can't be that difficult. I have read through nearly all the proxy examples.


I have attached the proxy list for the test




ui check box("Activate Proxy Usage", #ProxyOn)

ui check box("Use Private Proxies:", #UsePrivateProxies)

ui open file("Proxies: IP:Port", #Proxies)

ui open file("Private proxies: IP:Post:U:P", #PrivateProxies)

ui stat monitor("Proxy list postition:", #ProxyListPosition)

ui stat monitor("Proxy list count:", $list total(%proxies))

if($comparison(#ProxyOn, "=", "true")) {

then {

if($comparison(#UsePrivateProxies, "=", "true")) {

then {

set(#ProxyList, #PrivateProxies, "Global")


else {

set(#ProxyList, #Proxies, "Global")



clear list(%proxies)

add list to list(%proxies, $list from file(#ProxyList), "Delete", "Global")

set(#ProxyListPosition, 0, "Global")

loop($list total(%proxies)) {

change proxy($list item(%proxies, #ProxyListPosition))


navigate("http://www.whatismyip.com/", "Wait")







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I didn't run your code, but I do know this from experience...you need to refresh the browser after setting a new proxy (not just navigate, but refresh). you can use this:




run javascript("location.reload(true);")




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Thanks that did the trick John.


Should this reload script not maybe be added to the change proxy command.

I will add this as a suggestion.


Thanks for the help the proxies. They being set now

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