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WHM Automation question: How can I select from 'Package' dropdown?

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Hi guys,


Well, I'm actually quite the noob and I'm stuck on selecting an option in a dropdown. I'm trying to automate the task of creating accounts on my server through WHM but when i try to select one of my predefined packages it doesn't work correctly.



The form looks like:

<form onsubmit="checkacctform();" name="mainform" action="/scripts5/wwwacct">
<input type="hidden" value="" name="sign">
<input type="hidden" name="plan" value="testing_tiny">
<div id="domain_information" class="form_action">
<input id="dbuser" type="hidden" value="" name="dbuser">
<div id="package_div" class="form_action">
<div class="fields">
<label class="fixed" for="pkgselect">Choose a Package</label>
<select id="pkgselect" class="" style="width:150px;" name="msel" onchange="updateform(document.mainform.msel.options[document.mainform.msel.selectedIndex].value)">
<option value="n,y,unlimited,y,unlimited,unlimited,unlimited,unlimited,unlimited,unlimited,unlimited,y,0,0">---</option>
<option class="creatable" autocomplete="off" autofill="off" value="n,y,1024,n,x3,unlimited,unlimited,unlimited,unlimited,unlimited,2048,n,0,0,default,en,testing_community">testing_community</option>
<option class="creatable" autocomplete="off" autofill="off" value="n,y,500,n,x3,unlimited,unlimited,unlimited,unlimited,unlimited,2048,n,99,99,default,en,testing_default">testing_default</option>
<option class="creatable" autocomplete="off" autofill="off" value="n,y,200,n,x3,unlimited,unlimited,unlimited,unlimited,unlimited,1024,n,0,0,default,en,testing_tiny">testing_tiny</option>
<option class="creatable" autocomplete="off" autofill="off" value="n ,y,15000,y,x3,10,100,100,10,100,10000,n,100,100,default,english,Reseller Example">Reseller Example</option>
<option class="creatable" autocomplete="off" autofill="off" value="n,y,1,n,x3,1,1,1,1,1,1000,n,0,0,default,en,Reseller setup">Reseller setup</option>


and when I try to select from the dropdown, I'm presented with


(etc etc)


Is it possible to select from this dropdown if I only wanted to define the package name (ex. testing_community)?


I tried the "change chosen attribute" and "send key field chosen" commands and even though they change the field visually, the account is created with the "default" package setup instead of the defined one.


I selected and changed the value of the hidden field:


<input type="hidden" name="plan" value="testing_tiny">


and again it changed the field visually but the account was still created with the "default" package.


I'm assuming it has something to do with this updateform function...



function updateform(nfo) {
   var selectEl = document.mainform.msel;
   selectEl.className = selectEl.options[selectEl.selectedIndex].className;
   cpsets = nfo.split(",");
   // ip,cgi,quota,frontpage,cp,maxftp,maxsql,maxpop,maxlst,maxsub,plan,maxpark,maxaddon
   if (document.mainform.ip) {
       if (cpsets[0] == "n") {
           document.mainform.ip.checked = false;
       } else {
           document.mainform.ip.checked = true;

   if (cpsets[1] == "n") {
       document.mainform.cgi.checked = false;
   } else {
       document.mainform.cgi.checked = true;
   if (cpsets[3] == "n") {
       document.mainform.frontpage.checked = false;
   } else {
       document.mainform.frontpage.checked = true;
   if (document.mainform.quota) {
       document.mainform.quota.value = cpsets[2];
   if (document.mainform.maxftp) {
       document.mainform.maxftp.value = cpsets[5];
   if (document.mainform.maxsql) {
       document.mainform.maxsql.value = cpsets[6];
   if (document.mainform.maxpop) {
       document.mainform.maxpop.value = cpsets[7];
   if (document.mainform.maxlst) {
       document.mainform.maxlst.value = cpsets[8];
   if (document.mainform.maxsub) {
       document.mainform.maxsub.value = cpsets[9];
   if (document.mainform.bwlimit) {
       document.mainform.bwlimit.value = cpsets[10];
   if (document.mainform.hasshell) {
       if (cpsets[11] == "n") {
           document.mainform.hasshell.checked = false;
       } else {
           document.mainform.hasshell.checked = true;
   if (document.mainform.cpmod) { 
       for (var i = 0; i < document.mainform.cpmod.options.length; i++) {
           if (document.mainform.cpmod.options[i].value == cpsets[4]) {
       document.mainform.plan.value = cpsets[cpsets.length-1];

   if (document.mainform.maxpark) {
       if (cpsets[12]) {
           document.mainform.maxpark.value = cpsets[12];
       } else {
           document.mainform.maxpark.value = 0;
   if (document.mainform.maxaddon) {
       if (cpsets[13]) {
           document.mainform.maxaddon.value = cpsets[13];
       } else {
           document.mainform.maxaddon.value = 0;
   if (document.mainform.featurelist) { 
       for (var i = 0; i < document.mainform.featurelist.options.length; i++) {
           if (document.mainform.featurelist.options[i].value == cpsets[14]) {
   if (document.mainform.language) { 
       for (var i = 0; i < document.mainform.language.options.length; i++) {
           if (document.mainform.language.options[i].value == cpsets[15]) {


but I have no idea how to go about fixing this issue. Has anyone dealt with this situation or a similar one? At this point, I'm kinda lost.

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