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Ubot Coders, help!

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So I'm trying to code a bot to do autosubmissions for Linkvana.com.


Basic Idea:


The idea is this: feed the bot a list of URLs; the bot logs in, itinerates through the list of URL's loaded from a file, checks to see if that URL has been created as a project on Linkvana; if not create a new project, if it does exist, click on the project link which then opens a new submission window.


Linkvana basically has a single page with different "projects" you create. Each project is basically enclosed in a DIV tag and includes the project name which is a link to the link vana project, your website URL, number of submissions that have been made. Each of these are DIFFERENT elements -- i.e. you can choose the project name or you can choose the project URL, or the number of submissions.


The Problem:


The problem I'm having is that I can't "choose" the project link correctly. I do have a list of website URLS, but I can't figure any way to link the website URL I have with the link vana project link -- the choosing elements go to different HTML. The UBOT outerhtml command doesn't go "high" enough in the HTML code. I need to somehow use the website URL i give as the criteria to choose the project link, which does NOT have the website URL associated with the outerhtml, though it's still in the same DIV section.


Now, I can scrape the entire project page into a text file; the scraped elements contain the DIV tags that hold each linkvana project tab. ALl the info I need is in the DIV, but I can't figure a way to link the website url with the link vana project link.


Here is a sample of data I can scrape from the page.


<DIV class=pr_info><INPUT id=project_190314 type=checkbox value=190314 name=projectlist[]> <A href="index.php?a=prdetails&project_id=190314"><SPAN style="FONT-SIZE: 10px">projectname1</SPAN></A> <BR><SPAN style="FONT-SIZE: 9px">projectname1website.com</SPAN> </DIV>


<DIV class=pr_info><INPUT id=project_190316 type=checkbox value=190316 name=projectlist[]> <A href="index.php?a=prdetails&project_id=190316"><SPAN style="FONT-SIZE: 10px">My Sample Project</SPAN></A> <BR>usedcarsforcheap.info </DIV>


<DIV class=pr_info><INPUT id=project_243038 type=checkbox value=243038 name=projectlist[]> <A href="index.php?a=prdetails&project_id=243038">limo car website</A> <BR>lalimocompany.com </DIV>


<DIV class=pr_info><INPUT id=project_243880 type=checkbox value=243880 name=projectlist[]> <A href="index.php?a=prdetails&project_id=243880">ezine article project</A> <BR>ezinearticles.com/somewebsite </DIV>



Directly about, we have the "ezine article project" link. I can provide the "ezinearticles.com/somewebsite" from my list of URL files and as you see, the DIV class above contains both the "ezine article project" link that I want to CHOOSE and it also contains the "ezinearticles.com/somewebsite" URL that I can try and match up with same URL i provide from the list. But the CHOOSE BY ATTRIBUTE" command when I click on the link I want to choose to click only gives the "ezine article project" as the attibute...so i have no way to link the two together.



Any ideas how to solve this? Is there some way I scrape the above scraped file and create two lists from the content of the info contained in the DIV tags, one with the project names and one with the URLS from the div tag? At that point, I can just search the URL list I presumably create to see if the URL matches the URL i can provide, records the position, then uses that position to grab the matching project name from the other list, then use that project name as the CHOOSE BY CRITERIA so ubot can click on the damn link!


Whew...any way to build these two lists from the data above do this or any other ideas here?


If you are still confused, then here is what I mean


I HAVE LIST 0 which contains a list of URLS I want to run link vana submission on. This is provide to the bot. This list contains a bunch of items, the first one being usdedcarsforcheap.info say.



LIST 1 contains two items, the DIV code I scraped from the link vana project page.


<DIV class=pr_info><INPUT id=project_190316 type=checkbox value=190316 name=projectlist[]> <A href="index.php?a=prdetails&project_id=190316"><SPAN style="FONT-SIZE: 10px">My Sample Project</SPAN></A> <BR>usedcarsforcheap.info </DIV>


<DIV class=pr_info><INPUT id=project_243038 type=checkbox value=243038 name=projectlist[]> <A href="index.php?a=prdetails&project_id=243038">limo car website</A> <BR>lalimocompany.com </DIV>


Want to BUILD LIST 2 which contains the following 2 elements:


My Sample Project

limo car website


Want to Build LIST 3 which contains the following 2 elements




Once I have these two lists, I can then use LIST 0, extract say usedcarsforcheap.info from it, search LIST 3 to see if it's present, if so, record the list position and use that position to grab the item on LIST 2. I can then use that information to CHOOSE BY ATTIBUTE and click on the right project in link vana.


Phew! Get it? Can I do this? I don't know how to create this bot if this is not possible. What makes it even mroe of a bitch is that if you look at the for DIV elements i provided, some of the <a> tags have <SPAN> tags and some don't....

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