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set browser property fingerprinting

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Set browser property doesn't have a time zone change option. This makes it's fingerprinting fighting abilities incomplete. You can change options on the browser, but it lacks the ability to spoof your time zone. I know there is a plugin for date and time, but does it accomplish what I'm trying to accomplish? I'm trying to make multiple accounts on one website aka facebook and some others. Fingerprinting will give away my identity and my massive youtube videos shares will fail, because I'll get banned and my accounts deleted. Is there any way without ex browser plugins for firefox or chrome, and phantom js which google claims we can use? However, I don't see it as an option and don't see phantom js as google advertises ubot studio has. Without installing plugins for ex browser, how do I go about spoofing my browser fingerprint? Set browser property is useful, but a plugin seems to be the better option. Somebody told me I could use sockets to do this, like for scraping websites without getting banned. If so, how do I go about doing that? I'm stuck in the mud until somebody gives me an answer. An example would be nice. I basically want to run 50 or so bots at once mass sharing my youtube videos for mass advertisement reaching millions of people on social media for millions of views, and tens of thousands of dollars, not to mention the views I purchase, and other schemes to obtain views. I have to change my browser fingerprint completely including canvas spoofing, time zone spoofing, etc. I know I can disable javascript and css, to prevent that type of fingerprinting, but it's better to spoof it than disable it because that itself leads to a fingerprint. I would appreciate some assistance please.

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