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Adding Urls To Tumblr

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I'm having an issue adding urls to tumblr when either posting a video or a photo. If i use the 'type text' command tumblr wont allow to click the 'post' button. However, if i manually paste in the url using ctrl v or right click paste it allows me to click the post button. See the video here. I first tried to use the type text command, then i manually pasted it in.



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plugin command("ExBrowser.dll", "ExBrowser CleanUp Light")
plugin command("ExBrowser.dll", "ExBrowser Launcher", "Chrome", "", "")
plugin command("ExBrowser.dll", "ExBrowser Navigate", "https://www.tumblr.com/")
plugin command("ExBrowser.dll", "ExBrowser Click", "//*[@id=\"new_post_label_link\"]/i")
plugin command("ExBrowser.dll", "ExBrowser Type Text", "x://div[@class=\"editor editor-plaintext\"]", "https://www.loom.com/share/4bd9ae6b46e449eaba3279c25618eaee")
plugin command("ExBrowser.dll", "ExBrowser Click", "x://button[@class=\"button-area create_post_button\"]")
stop script


This code working here in exb..

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This is very old code, but some may still be usfull

        focus(<class="dropdown settings-icon pinned-target">)
        click(<class="dropdown settings-icon pinned-target">,"Left Click","No")
        change attribute(<id="customUrl_input">,"value",$find regular expression(#Post,"(?<=<Custom Url>).*?(?=</Custom Url>)"))
        wait for element(<class="dropdown-area icon_arrow_carrot_down pinned-target">,240,"Appear")
        focus(<class="dropdown-area icon_arrow_carrot_down pinned-target">)
        click(<class="dropdown-area icon_arrow_carrot_down pinned-target">,"Left Click","No")
        click(<innerhtml="Add to queue">,"Left Click","No")
        click(<(innertext="Add photo from web" AND class="dropzone-text")>,"Left Click","No")
        wait for element(<aria-label="Paste a URL">,"","Appear")
        type text(<aria-label="Paste a URL">,$find regular expression(#Post,"(?<=<Image Url>).*?(?=</Image Url>)"),"Standard")
        type text(<aria-label="Paste a URL">,"\{ENTER\}","Standard")
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I don't have exbrowser. Can this be done without it?

yes it may be you have to try with pete code which he share now above.

I am not comfortable in ubot browser they pain me too much for big project.

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Last time ubot worked one hundred percent with tumblr that i know of was version 3.5, it had its own firefox plugin (that was Firefox 3.6.13)

then we had the big update to ubot 4, i have never seen it work to what i would call hundred percent with its own browser from that update, always needed a work around moblie useragent and that sort of suff,


Have a look for UbotClipboardPlugin if it works with your version of ubot it may well help you if you can copy and paste

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