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Hello Ubotters,


Need help please. How do I add a script in here for random timing. Thanks :)




<select size="1" variable="#timing" style="width:auto;max-width:210px;">

<option value="30">Timing on site</option>

<option value="10">10</option>

<option value="20">20</option>

<option value="30">30</option>

<option value="40">40</option>

<option value="50">50</option>

<option value="60">60</option>

<option value="120">120</option>

<option value="180">180</option>

<option value="240">240</option>



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Here is an example of a human delay I use.

As you will see it chooses a random number between to values min and max. To further make it more human it has same thing for milliseconds.


So, you put range 10-20 you could get 12.721 seconds to wait. 19.422,15.622 and so on.


ui text box("First Navigation Wait MIN."#UI_TB_first_nav_wait_MIN)
ui text box("First Navigation Wait MAX."#UI_TB_first_nav_wait_MAX)
first nav wait(#UI_TB_first_nav_wait_MIN#UI_TB_first_nav_wait_MAX)
stop script
alert($Human Delay(5, 10))
define first nav wait(#MIN#MAX) {
    wait($Human Delay(#MIN#MAX))
define $Human Delay(#MIN#MAX) {
    return("{$rand(#MIN#MAX)}.{$rand(001, 999)}")


Now as far as UI I would ask Darryl (UI BUILDER) or Helloinsomnia


but those types of settings I grab from a file and/or put them in a global list.
User then set them in the file rather clutter up the UI and build up too much memory.



example--navigation wait.ubot

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