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Check Over & Over If The Page Doesn't Load?

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 i am using proxies, semi shared & someties they are not stable, so is there a way to recheck the page over & over if the proxy is slow?


i tried to make an "IF" argument + scraping, so if that variable is =$nothing it reloop again but just wonder if there is a better idea

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I was running into this problem a lot. The built in functions of ubot came up short. I tested for parts of th page as suggested above ( a very valid approach) but it still did not do the trick. The code eventually progressed on without the match. So I thought "What does a human do when we are waiting for a page to load that is too slow - we with our impatience hit the reload button. - Lets apply this to account creation which is where I use it and two different scenarios. If the site is super slow and has a separate page for sign up I will go to the home page in a loop 3 to 5 times before going to the signup page. Otherwise I will go to the signup page in a loop directly 5 times.  In each successive load more of the page is there so that by the time I am sending data to the page it is all there. Now this is not a perfect solution. Some sites like slashdot limit the number of forms you can receive in a day. In their case - 11. So lets say an account did not create the first time and I run it again you can see how you can hit this 11 limit.  It is not the most beautiful solution but it increased my success rate by over 30%

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I was running into this problem a lot. The built in functions of ubot came up short. I tested for parts of th page as suggested above ( a very valid approach) but it still did not do the trick. The code eventually progressed on without the match. So I thought "What does a human do when we are waiting for a page to load that is too slow - we with our impatience hit the reload button. - Lets apply this to account creation which is where I use it and two different scenarios. If the site is super slow and has a separate page for sign up I will go to the home page in a loop 3 to 5 times before going to the signup page. Otherwise I will go to the signup page in a loop directly 5 times.  In each successive load more of the page is there so that by the time I am sending data to the page it is all there. Now this is not a perfect solution. Some sites like slashdot limit the number of forms you can receive in a day. In their case - 11. So lets say an account did not create the first time and I run it again you can see how you can hit this 11 limit.  It is not the most beautiful solution but it increased my success rate by over 30%



thank you Jevans, yea i used this method before, but i found a better solution, it's simple, just use the while loop + $not $exist

it ll raise the success rate to close to 80% because it ll keep looping till the page load


if you struggle to fix your code, PM me, i ll help : )

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I would use "wait for element"


then use


IF element "$not" "$exist"


add item to list %bad proxy

try again - "define 'check proxy procedure'"



leave empty or delete


continue script (next task)


put the above process in a "define 'check proxy procedure'" and put the define where "try again" is.




next proxy

change proxy


wait for element  (in the advanced set time out) with reasonable time like 10. Just like loop while except it will stop in 10 seconds. default is like 120 seconds.

IF (the above element exist)


all in define so it will test next list item "proxy" and so on. Pretty much it test the proxies till one works then will do next task.


something like this


clear list(%proxies)
clear list(%bad proxies)
add list to list(%bad proxies$list from text($read file("FILE PATH CHOOSE YOUR TEXT FRILE"), $new line), "Delete""Global")
add list to list(%proxies$list from text("646.64.646.45:80
55.540.5460.545:8080"$new line), "Delete""Global")
loop($list total(%proxies)) {
    set(#proxy_NLI$next list item(%proxies), "Global")
    change proxy(#proxy_NLI)
    wait for element(<innertext="Simple Form">, 10, "Appear")
    if($not($exists(<innertext="Simple Form">))) {
        then {
            add item to list(%bad proxies#proxy_NLI"Delete""Global")
            proxy test()
    click(<innertext="Simple Form">"Left Click""No")
define proxy test {
    set(#proxy_NLI$next list item(%proxies), "Global")
    change proxy(#proxy_NLI)
    wait for element(<innertext="Simple Form">, 10, "Appear")
    if($not($exists(<innertext="Simple Form">))) {
        then {
            add item to list(%bad proxies#proxy_NLI"Delete""Global")
            proxy test()



Hope that helps,



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I would use "wait for element"


then use


IF element "$not" "$exist"


add item to list %bad proxy

try again - "define 'check proxy procedure'"



leave empty or delete


continue script (next task)


put the above process in a "define 'check proxy procedure'" and put the define where "try again" is.




next proxy

change proxy


wait for element  (in the advanced set time out) with reasonable time like 10. Just like loop while except it will stop in 10 seconds. default is like 120 seconds.

IF (the above element exist)


all in define so it will test next list item "proxy" and so on. Pretty much it test the proxies till one works then will do next task.


something like this


clear list(%proxies)

clear list(%bad proxies)

add list to list(%bad proxies$list from text($read file("FILE PATH CHOOSE YOUR TEXT FRILE"), $new line), "Delete""Global")

add list to list(%proxies$list from text("646.64.646.45:80

55.540.5460.545:8080"$new line), "Delete""Global")

loop($list total(%proxies)) {

    set(#proxy_NLI$next list item(%proxies), "Global")

    change proxy(#proxy_NLI)


    wait for element(<innertext="Simple Form">, 10, "Appear")

    if($not($exists(<innertext="Simple Form">))) {

        then {

            add item to list(%bad proxies#proxy_NLI"Delete""Global")

            proxy test()



    click(<innertext="Simple Form">"Left Click""No")


define proxy test {

    set(#proxy_NLI$next list item(%proxies), "Global")

    change proxy(#proxy_NLI)


    wait for element(<innertext="Simple Form">, 10, "Appear")

    if($not($exists(<innertext="Simple Form">))) {

        then {

            add item to list(%bad proxies#proxy_NLI"Delete""Global")

            proxy test()






Hope that helps,




awesome! thank you CD your posts always help!

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