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Ad in email, allowed?

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Hey guys!



I was thinking, using a autoresponder like getresponse you need to follow can spam act rules.


Now what if i had a free service like i people send me a email for info, can i set a advertisement in my returning email?

People send me a email first right?


Not sure and i don't want to get in any trouble of some sort.


Or do you say, for whatever reason, make your list bigger?

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there is no rule against a friendly recommendation, we get them all the time from reputable companies, who will recommend that one of their "partners" is giving you 50% of their product/service. blah.blah. Hostgator, always doing this. As long as you have that link on the bottom that says "click here to unsubscribe" you'll have no issues. spam away!

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Hi QI,




Thanks for the reply. Yeah i guess that is the way obviously when working with lists.


My question rather was can i add a advertisement in the email when someone, not in any list, sends me a email requesting me information about a website?

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