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Looping files within a folder

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Hi Ubotters, :)


I have been scraping very large files, much too large for ubot to process in one shot from a saved folder, I need a way to loop many files from a folder and process each files from that folder. I know 'Read files' would get the files but not sure the processing of each file would be done. Thanks.

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I'm thinking you met to say this E2


Use Google to search instead of thforim search and if that didn't do it refine your search alittle.


In this case Google is your friend.


site:ubotstudio.com loop thru files in a folder


Now that said...without me even looking I'm sure your answer is there.



but here is away to do it and I would look at the free plugins and get the Filemanagement plugin.


try Google search like I said above as practice, if you don't have it already.


It's free, there are many free plugins in the BST


Now that I have taught you how to fish, here's a fish.


set(#get files$get files($special folder("Desktop"), "Yes"), "Global")
clear list(%files from folder)
add list to list(%files from folder$list from text(#get files$new line), "Delete""Global")
loop($list total(%files from folder)) {
    set(#next item$next list item(%files from folder), "Global")
    load html(#next item)
ui stat monitor("Files in folder:""{$list position(%files from folder)} of {$list total(%files from folder)}")


Many ways to that better but it is basic for newbies to understand.


Look for the Dictionary plugin as well for large list.


Now, go build off that and hit the donate button. jk



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