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[BUY] Real Estate Contact Scraper

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Realtor.com Bot


1: goto realtor.com

2: use a txt list of zip codes one at a time (probably up to 200 properties per zip)

3: go down the list click into each listing

4: on the upper right corner is a request more info form

5: input random contact names

6: use a hotmail list set of emails (aproximately 1000 emails at a time)

6b: Close addon property info request popup


6c: Change hotmail account & Proxy after a random number of info requests (1-10)

7: check emails

8: put contact info into a .CSV (First name - Last Name - (Agent/Broker) - Phone # - Email (Not every agent has all their contact info in auto responder)

9: Delete emails

10: Rinse & Repeat

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I have already created something like this. It does not do everything you are asking but most of it. Let me know your budget, If you would like you could send me a PM..

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