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Hotmail "i accept" button

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I'm fighting with the hotmail "i accept" button for 2 days now.

Fill in the form works fine but when i click the "I accept" button, a prosserbar will show for about 1 second and than disapear. Nothing happens. Only the full filled form is there. no account is created.


What is so special on this button?

How can i let them work?


This is the code


loop(10) {

reset account("Male")

set(#pass, "{$account data("Password")}{$spin("\{a|b|c|d|e|f|g|h|i|j|k|l|m|n|o|p|q|r|s|t|u|v|w|x|y|z\}")}{$spin("\{1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9\}")}", "Global")

navigate("https://signup.live.com", "Wait")

clear cookies

wait for browser event("Everything Loaded", 60)


type text(<first name field>, $account data("First Name"), "Standard")

type text(<last name field>, $account data("Last Name"), "Standard")

change dropdown(<birth month dropdown>, "Random - Skip First Choice")

change dropdown(<birth day dropdown>, $rand(1, 27))

change dropdown(<birth year dropdown>, $rand(1945, 1995))

change dropdown(<sex dropdown>, "Male")

type text($element offset(<email field>, 0), "{$account data("Username")}@hotmail.com", "Standard")

type text(<name="iPwd">, #pass, "Standard")

type text(<name="iRetypePwd">, #pass, "Standard")

click(<id="iqsaswitch">, "Left Click", "No")


change dropdown(<name="iSQ">, "Random - Skip First Choice")

type text(<name="iSA">, $account data("City"), "Standard")

change dropdown($element offset(<country dropdown>, 1), " U.S.")

type text(<zip code field>, $account data("Zip Code"), "Standard")

type text(<class="spHipNoClear hipInputText">, $solve captcha(<src=w"https://client.hip.live.com/GetHIPData?hid=*">), "Standard")


click(<title="I accept">, "Left Click", "No")

wait for browser event("Everything Loaded", 60)



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