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Using loop while command and change drop down

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Hello everyone, hopefully someone can help me since I am having difficulties with the "condition" part of the loop while command.


I managed to scrape the drop down menu options into a list. Then I use the loop while command to loop through and choose the option from the drop down menu using the change drop down command. I have placed a next list item function inside the change drop down command. However, I don't know how to make the loop stop once the correct option is selected. I would like to somehow compare the current selected option on the drop down menu with a variable. Also, is it possible to select an option from a drop down menu using a wildcard? This is the drop down menu I'm working with: http://bestphpdirectory.com/submit.php



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I'm not sure exactly what you mean, but it sounds relatively simple. What are you doing with the scraped options?




Here is the code I'm using:



ui drop down("Category:", "Health,Sports,Business,Technology", #category)

if($contains($scrape attribute(<name="CATEGORY_ID">, "innerhtml"), #category)) {

then {

add item to list(%scrape categories, $scrape attribute(<tagname="option">, "innertext"), "Delete", "Global")

save to file("{$special folder("Desktop")}\\categories.txt", %scrape categories)

add list to list(%scrape categories2, $list from file("{$special folder("Desktop")}\\categories.txt"), "Delete", "Global")

loop while($comparison($contains($next list item(%scrape categories2), #category), "=", $true)) {

change dropdown(<name="CATEGORY_ID">, $next list item(%scrape categories2))



else {



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