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Important questions before purchase

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its my first post and I have a few questions before I'll purchase the software.

Lets say I want to make a facebook adding bot, with multiple accounts, is it possible that I dont add someone twice?Can I manage all the accounts from one interface?If I create a mail account creator will I be able to import the mails into the other bot?

Is it possible to scrape Facebook or Myspace users automatically, e.g. I name one Account as a starter and the bot crawls his friends and then their friends and so on, of course duplicates should be removed automatically?

Would be nice if I could get an answer.

Kind regards

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yes, there's a 'remove duplicates' option on lists. Anything you can export, you can import. So if you save the information to a text file, or a csv you can open them up in another bot you've made or if you format them properly they can be opened up with another program other then ubot.

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Hi Phil


Not only is Merkaba right, but if you hunt around the forum I'm sure you'll find enough examples and tutorials to head you in the right direction. I know the search function here can be pretty iffy, I always go back to the home page of the forum ( Click on 'Ubot Underground' at the top of the page) before doing a search, otherwise it sometimes just searches the thread you are in !


Only extra advice I would give is to make sure you are aware of the limitations of the different versions, ie standard, pro, and dev. I wouldn't want to suggest that everything you might want or need to do can be done with any specific version and therefore lead you into a purchase under false pretences.



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Thanks for your answers.I've been checking the forum today and found a few posts that said that the ver. 4 is not stable.Can anybody, maybe the creator say something about it?I also found out that you can scrape from one friend or follower, but is it possible to dig deeper?That the programm continues to scrape the already scraped, if you know what I mean :blink:

I guess I'm going with the Pro version, since I wnt to make youtube automation as well and therefor I need the flash plug-in.Does this software actually comes with an ebook for learning, like a manual, or is it more learning by doing?Because this drag and drop might sound easy but I read it isn't that easy.

Btw:This 1 post per day is really a pain in the a#*.I know its for spam protection but its really hard to wait till you can post an answer or another question.

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Not to jump in on someone elses thread but does anyone know if Ubot will be able to deal with the dynamic content of say salesgenie.com.

I am able to scrape by using iMacro's DirectScreen technology however it is very buggy and freezes allot.


I would purchase uBot today if someone would be nice enough to signup for a sales genie trial to test it out.

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Not to jump in on someone elses thread but does anyone know if Ubot will be able to deal with the dynamic content of say salesgenie.com.

I am able to scrape by using iMacro's DirectScreen technology however it is very buggy and freezes allot.


I would purchase uBot today if someone would be nice enough to signup for a sales genie trial to test it out.


The general rule of thumb is anything you can do manually in a browser can be automated by UBot. I am guessing with a web ui, this site is probably no exception unless it relies heavily on popups.



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Phil, since I am not positive on your exact goals I can only say this. It seems as though what you want to accomplish is the heart and soul of what Ubot does. There are numerous ways to accomplish things in UBot and only specific questions can get specific answers as a result.


Stability is a relative term...If you want to build a bot with 1000 threads and 15000 lines of code, the term has a different meaning than if you are creating a simple bot. I create and sell bots regularly...I have no issues with stability and I have several very large bots. There are numerous members making a living with UBot and I am certain they would tell you stability is not an issue. We have a small group of members that are experiencing unusual events (In the sense they are consistently happening to the same people), but that is the exception, not the rule and the developer is aware of them and working on solutions.



As far as the limitations on the forum, they are not universal. They are imposed on non-members...Once you become a license holder all restrictions are lifted.



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thanks for your answer.I just saw that you can upgrade from standard to pro version.I would love to go with the standard first but want to make sure that it fits my needs.I would like to start making very easy bots like sign-up bots, for twitter, facebook, email etc. that use proxy adresses.Can I live-check my accounts, e.g. Facebook accounts that I just created?

I've seen that javascript is used in some cases.Should I learn this language, I have a book right here or better, will I benefit if I do?


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