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add to list from UI list box

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Instead of pulling my list from a .txt or .csv, I would like to use the UI Text Box, but not sure how to take the items entered and add them to a list to be used in a loop.



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Thanks JohnB.


I actually changed it to a UI Block Text. But how do I make the Block wider? I would like to almost double the width.



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So thats not avaialbe in the ubot standard version? Not sure what you mean ui html panel, I don't see that in my ui commands.



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That's correct. I apologize for not explaining. The UI HTML Panel is a dev license feature that allows you to completely customize the ui are using html. You can find a video on it in the tutorials area as well as the follow up video on learnubot.com;



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Ok, thanks very much. I'm just building these for myself right now so I havent looked into the dev license.





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