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Found 5 results

  1. I need help, I have a particular test written in a external application window, I want ubot to read that text if found true then do a particular task..if not keep waiting.. This can be simple for you guys But I failed.. How can this be done..
  2. Hi all, just a quick question if maybe any of you have come across this. I am trying to do something with windows automation and trying to scrape from google maps (I need to use features which are not in the Lite version available in the internal browser), the problem is that as you search for something the name of the active window changes, and sometimes to something that you cannot predict. Is there any way to do a wildcard or something similar for the "set active window" command? I have tried several ways, but not found anything that will work. For example I am searching for a map of "aps
  3. Anyone successfully able to click a "Save As" when a dialog box pops up on a website to save a file? There is no other way to save this file other than to have the save as pop up, file is generated after clicking that link. Found a topic from a year and half ago, but the technique apparently doesn't work in latest version of ubot (5.5.1) after much testing. No other topics on the subject found. Interesting that when I add any commands after clicking the button to download the file, the download doesn't work, no popup at all. If I make that click the last command, the popup works fine, just
  4. Has anyone really starting playing with the new windows automation features? Is it possible yet to be able to wait for a specific window to exist before running a function. Maybe have a thread loop until a window with a specific title is found and then perform a function? Any Idea's?
  5. Hi, I was a Zenno user and still before I come here. I like the idea of creating unlimited EXE bots and being able to give/sell/donate them or just run them on a server without the need of running some mandatory scheduler. However, I don't like it when the ubot bot has to download support files before it can run. I'm OK with uBot calling home on: - Running the software to check license - Calling home when compiling a bot - Sending the entire script for uBot Studio server to complie (hope you got redundancy!) There are a number of reasons for doing this, such as the system not connect to the
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