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Found 3 results

  1. *****Zip***** run python("import shutil import os os.chdir(\'D:/\') shutil.make_archive(\'test\', \'zip\', \'folder-or-file-you-want-to-zip\')") *****UNZIP***** run python("import zipfile with zipfile.ZipFile(\"D:/test.zip\",\"r\") as zip_ref: zip_ref.extractall(\"D:/test\")")
  2. I LOVE the FTP commands and functions, thanks very much for them Seth and co! However, I'm an FTP poweruser, uploading massive amounts of data multiple times a day and a lot of the time nothing less than zip/tarball files to be unpacked will do. I see no way to unpack/unzip any tarballs on the server. Am I overlooking anything? Also, I gotta be overlooking this but I can't seem to find it: How do we move a file from one location on the server to another? (Move or copy?) Thanks again for the hard work on this, hopefully I'm just overlooking some things. Cheers, Luke
  3. I am offering this source for free. It is to unzip a file on your server. using php It uses Aymen's FTP plugin so if you don't have that then it won't work and you should probably purchase it since it is an awesome plugin.... You can get it here http://www.ubotstudio.com/forum/index.php?/topic/13001-sell-ubot-ftp-plugin-limited-time-offer/ FYI: I am not associated with Aymen, not getting paid to push his plugin or even asked to promote it. Just promoting it because it is super useful. That said, this source simply uploads a test zip file and unzips it. Checks to see if the test.txt fil
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