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  1. i cant see where the problem is.. basically i created a variable called #itempos and i increment it everytime i want to go to the next list item, so everytime it saves one article, it can go to the next url and so on.. I am still a real beginner in ubot and this is just a part of my learning experience, but i have some programming experience in vb.net and c++ (basic stuff) but i know the logics well. there are some wait statements randomly there but that doesnt even matter.. a really strange thing is that it is giving errors when #itempos is at 15 or so... ( i tested with 3 kws so it was
  2. I have a table with 50 rows (a screencap of part of it is below). I have another csv file that states how many visits a writer averages on his/her posts. Basically I need to set a variable called #rate that will correspond to the range that the person falls under. For instance, if the person averages 200 visits per post, then #rate will equal $1.50. I need it to loop through a csv of users to calculate each one and add them all to a new list. I'm not sure how to go about it without manually setting each range as a separate if statement, and I feel like there must be a smarter and easier w
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