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Found 9 results

  1. Hello, It's been while since I used UbotStudio and today when trying to I got a message that says "an exception occurred during a webclient request.". I closed it and ubot frozed then crash after clicking on it. I am using WIndows 10 pro. Is this why it crash or something else? Please assist.
  2. Hello There, I just tried everything and failed to load different profiles in chrome portable browser version 70.0.3538.102 exbrowser v: did anyone else face this problem too? And if someone have chrome portable 54 version then please share a link I am using portable browser Thanks in Advance Romeo.
  3. Hello...i have some problems with the video commands...only works in the uBot program. After compiling the program does not work anymore. Which should be the problem?
  4. Hello, today i'v made the update to uBot Sutudio 5.9.55 which says that have added a lot of audio commands. After the update i realized that I could not find none of the new commands and tot even the video commands which i has able to use before. I have a professional licence and i am subscribed to updates too ... i can use the public bank but i can't find these commands? Can anyone help me please?
  5. Hello, i want to create a bot for steemit.com but anything i try to do on this website does not work... ubot is crushing right away... Is there any solution? Or someone can tell me why this happens?
  6. Hi guys, I am trying to create a bot that will scrape whois registrar information from the following site: https://whois.icann.org/en It basically takes a list of website URLs and passes them into the site. Once it does that it will scrape the email address off from the site based on the contact information presented. The bot is fairly simple but I've been running into some bot breaking glitches that won't allow the bot to run past around 1400 results. I can leave the bot on running for several thousand results but after around 1400, it'll stop scrapping the email addresses and saving them
  7. Guys i am having the weirdest issue....my Ubot script loads just fine but when i try to compile it and then run it "as administrator" it just loads....and you can only see that it loads if you open Windows Task Manager! i am using the latest version of Ubot 5.9.36 I tried both Chrome 21 and Chrome 49 they both cant load normally .... When Compiled i mean I have Windows 7 x64 Ultimate 16 gigs of ram Cpu 3.3ghz This used to work normally in older versions i think its the first issue when compiling on this new version! any ideas on how to fix this?
  8. please help me, Type Text not working on Post title Blogspot, post title always disappears after publish http://prntscr.com/2qv3zj http://prntscr.com/2qv1wo navigate("https://www.blogger.com/blogger.g?blogID=250782601558675920#editor/src=header", "Wait") wait for element(<class="editorHolder">, "", "Appear") change attribute(<title="Title">, "value", "new post title blogger") click(<innertext="Publish">, "Left Click", "No") thanks in advance !!
  9. Just wondering if anyone else is having this issue, since I see no threads on it. I'm trying to upload a local folder and it won't work. I can(with the same login)... 1. create the folder with filezilla 2. upload files from the local folder 3. download the folder What I'm actually trying to do is move the files from the folder to the root directory of the website. Thanks for your help in advance! plugin command("FTPCommands.dll", "connect to ftp server", "FTPS", "host.MyURL.net", 21, "Username", "Password", $table cell(&domains, #table_row_count, 1)) { plugin command("
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