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Everything posted by daddydanimal

  1. thanks for the feed back Praney i have just one question before i buy once the user registers the bot or the bot is registered will the user have to enter their info into the bot each time the run it? in other words user buys bot and registers it using the register tab name email receipt number after they are done using the bot and they close it the next day they open it up again to do another run is their info saved some how or do they have to re-enter and re-run the register tab???
  2. i been thinking about buying this for awhile now but... 1. I thought the price was $99 but now i see its $167 guess it went up (my fault for delaying i guess) 2. the demo on the site did not work the bot was made with an older version of ubot guess that might be the problem 3. before i invest another large amount of money into my hobby i was wondering if anyone who bought this had any problems with it or if any of your end users did i just don't want to be kicking myself for spending that much on something that don't work (like the demo on the site)i have 6 kids and plenty of bil
  3. i just figured out this nifty little trick the other day when you make a bot you have little say about how the ui will look to help make it look a little better what you can do is space things out by simply adding ui stat monitor and leaving the label and watch blank this creates a small space in the ui panel you can add many of these to space things out and give your ui a cleaner look
  4. humm... i been trying to play around with threads i made my self a proxy checker but its kinda slow if you are checking a large list so i thought ok great i can add threads to make it go faster i tried Thread Sub window While #total checked < %to check my script inc #total checked delay 3 Thread <------everything is exactly the same as the one above Sub window While #total checked < %to check my script inc #total checked While #total checked < %to check <----to keep the bot from saving to text
  5. sure hear are a couple of examples http://www.mycashlinks.com/load.php?i=M mycashlinks is a site im in a jv with so of course i don't want to bypass the ads by scraping and navigating to the webpage in the iframe below the ad not sure if you will be able to see this one it is a url to the mafia wars game on facebook after accepting a gift that has a iframe window with a button that need to be clicked in order to receive the gift when the button is clicked the window closes http://apps.facebook.com/inthemafia/index.php?next_params=YTozOntpOjA7czo1OiJpbmRleCI7aToxO3M6MTc6ImFjY2VwdF9l
  6. that would be awesome if you could get it added in the next update seth i could finish like 20 bots i started but had to stop because of i frame issues
  7. this is a general problem i been having with many sites mafia wars on facebook is a good example another site i had problems with was one i own its like linkbucks and ad.ly 1.i in put a url to any site it gives me a new url 2.i set nav in ubot to new url 3. bot loads url at the top shows ad the bottom is the original site shown in an i frame i want to be able to do stuff like click a button in the iframe it self with out having to go to the iframes url this is a easy task to do with imacros but i cant seem to do it with ubot thanks
  8. hello I'm trying to click a button in an iframe window but i cant seem to get u bot to do it please help
  9. Thanks Andy that's exactly what i need to know set venerable #keywords content word1,word2,ect basically just separate words with a comma
  10. they are coming from a text file i have but i don't want to include a bunch of text files with a compile bot as the finish bot will use over 100 different websites i would like to have all the list in the bot itself and not in text files say i have a sub for each site each site needs its own list/%keywords each list/%keywords will have different list items so http//www.website1/list?={1} {1} %keywords1 and http//www.website2/list?={1} {1} %keywords2 if i have the bot pull the list items from a files then i would have to include a lot of text files with the compile bot perhaps what
  11. thanks for trying i understand that but perhaps i was unclear i need to know how to add items in %keywords with out pulling them from a file or scraping them
  12. i have a list of urls i understand how to make the end of the url increase if its a number like http://www.website.com/list?=1 using inc venerable in a loop of how many urls i want but i can not figure out how to do is using a list of names like http://www.website.com/list?=hats to http://www.website.com/list?=bighats i do not wish to import a text or cvs file or scrap a web page im sure this is a way to put items in a list im just not sure how to do it any help would be great P.S. im just trying to avoid adding 80+ nav comands for the same website
  13. cool thanks i played around with the ui window option after reading your suggestion and that will be perfect i didn't know about that I'm a ubot noob only been using it for about a week now scrap suggestion 2 but suggestion 1 would rock
  14. it would be nice if you could add some thing under the UI Elements were we could add a text message this would be great for notes or giving simple instructions to the users of our compile bots exapmle: please only check one of the boxes below [] create accounts [] build points another suggestion i have is make the ui area scrollable reason for this is at the moment we call add all kinds of check boxes but only some will show up in the ui window example: right now im working on a bot that uses 80+ different websites and plan to add more latter i have 7 tabs/scripts 1 is setti
  15. i seen somewhere on the forum an ideal for using cpalead in your bots using the following method if >>> scrap page >>> then >>> stopscript witch would be good but i don't like cpalead and i use my own content lock were i can edit the offers and use any one i like problem is i cant get it to set a cookie so the content lock will not come up for 24 hours after an offer is complete i just bought ubot 3days ago and im not good with java is their another way/method to use a content lock with ubot to were it shows it and once it is closed the bot will continue??
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